January 24, 2018No Comments

how to dress like meghan markle

4 minute read

4 minute readHere's looking at you, HRH.

Read more

January 23, 2018No Comments

winter style hacks

5 minute read

5 minute read6 styling tricks to rework your winter wardrobe

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January 22, 201822 Comments

4 tips for the latest instagram algorithm change

5 minute read

5 minute readThat's a nice looking algorithm you got there...

Read more

January 19, 2018No Comments

friday favorites: click/read/shop/cook/love

3 minute read

Happy Friday, everyone!

How has your week been? A nasty cold took me down at the beginning of the week, and I've slowly been recovering through lots of tea, orange juice, and time in bed. I finally got out to a yoga class last night and a boxing class this morning, both of which were a bit tough to get through (sniffling is not fun while you're alternating burpees and jab-cross-hooks!) but I felt great once I was done. After another yoga class this morning — trying to work in a bunch of fitness things before school starts up again for me! — I'm feeling ready to take on the weekend.

With Krystal traveling and my own lazy, bedridden state, I seem to have spent a lot more time than normal on the internet this week. So, in the spirit of self-care, I've decided to bring you some of the best things I've read/stumbled upon/tried at home/bought lately.

Also, friendly reminder, if you haven't already, make sure to enter Krystal's $1000 giveaway!

Relax with a good cup of coffee and browse our favorite links from the past week...

[prodr brand="TONE IT UP" product="FITNESS SOCKS" description= "Do you have a secret hatred for ankle socks? The things are necessary for any ankle-boot loving fashionista, but they either 1. get lost immediately or 2. never stay put and provide no comfort. I bought these last week and am already headed back to buy another pair. They are cushiony, have a gripped heel, and they literally say "boss babe" on them. I'm in love." link="LINK URL"][/prodr]

[prodl brand="AVALON ORGANICS" product="VITAMIN C RENEWAL CREAM" description="I first spotted this moistruizer in my mom's beauty cabinet — she loves organic and clean skincare products so I knew this  had to be a good one. I finally picked it up for myself and I love it. It's deeply moisturizing, and vitamin C gives dull winter skin a perfect luminous boost. Also, it's under $15!" link="LINK URL"] [/prodl]

That's all for me! Is there anything you've been loving from the interwebs lately? Let us know in the comments!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

January 17, 2018No Comments

A thank you note + $1,000 shopping spree giveaway!

3 minute read



Wow, it's been some week so far!

First, I just wanted to say how much I appreciated all your comments, emails and thoughts regarding Monday's reader survey results post. It was beyond amazing to hear that you found the process and the insights just as helpful as I did -- and I hope to continue surveys like that moving forward. I loved hearing all your ideas, both the positive and the constructive feedback, as it helps me build out content for the year ahead that we all can enjoy!

Secondly, as a small token of my appreciation for those who participated and tuned in, I'm giving away a $1,000 shopping spree to one lucky reader! This giveaway is not sponsored by any outside brand or company -- I'm simply purchasing a prepaid Visa gift card with my own money -- as a way of giving back to you all. When I started this blog over 8 years ago, I had no idea it would lead me down the path I'm now on -- a reality that I often have to pinch myself over. And it wouldn't be possible without the support and guidance from you all. The fact we can have such an open and trusting dialogue, like the one from last week's survey, means the world to me. So for that, THANK YOU.

You can enter the giveaway by simply typing your email address in the widget below. For additional entries, make sure to follow the prompts that come up afterward -- I'll be giving 5 additional entries for following along on Instagram.

I'll be selecting 1 winner at random next Wednesday, January 24 at 12pm EST and will announce here, on Instagram and on Instagram Stories.

Best of luck and, as if I haven't said it enough, THANK YOU for your support!













OUTFIT DETAILS: Suistudio coat // Reformation dress // Zara boots (sold out, but love this pair that's currently on sale!) // Anthropologie beret // Cafune bag // Tortoise & Blonde glasses

Photos by Nora Varcho


January 15, 201822 Comments

2018 reader survey results

13 minute read



Drumroll please...

Alright, ladies (and perhaps a handful of gentlemen?), the results are in from our very first reader survey here on This Time Tomorrow! The votes have been cast. The remarks have been noted. And I have lots of charts and graphs to show for it, that I wish I could muster together into a really cool, viral-worthy infographic for you. But, alas, in the interest of time (and my sanity), I figured I'd spare you all that. The important thing to focus on here is: WOW, this was incredibly insightful!

First things first, for everyone who took the time to fill out this online survey here (20 questions total) or the condensed, shortened version available in my Insta Stories (5 questions), I cannot begin to thank you enough. Seriously. I know this is a very oversatured market, so the fact you took time out of your day to do this for me, truly means the world. I'm so glad that you all have been paying so much attention to my Instagram page and my Instagram link in bio too! Furthermore, for everyone who filled out the open ended response questions, which I intentionally made optional as I didn't want to burden anyone with writing out their answers, even BIGGER props to you! Each note, comment, constructive criticism, paragraph, and in some cases, mini novel, while all completely anonymous, didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated or unfelt (in the best way possible!). It was humbling to know you cared enough to let me know what you really think! And yes, that means, the good, the bad and the ugly, as it pertains to both what I'm doing here specifically on This Time Tomorrow and your thoughts on the influencer space as a whole.

Secondly, I wanted to give a bit of context as to the catalyst behind this survey. While there were many things I valued about working at Google, I always really appreciated the transparency and the iterative nature of the company the most, from the products we were building to how teams were functioning. Each year, we'd fill out a multi-part survey (anonymously) weighing in on how we felt about a wide range of topics, including our immediate team productivity, group vision, manager relations, etc. and months later, the results would be aggregated, interpreted and shared, making for a really great, actionable roadmap for what was working, what wasn't and everything in between. I loved that it forced us to be critical of what we were doing, to celebrate with pats on the back when it seemed to be supported and to pivot when we really needed to.



So here I am, hoping to do the same for This Time Tomorrow. Because if there's one thing that was very clear in the open ended feedback responses, you guys are craving more realness from the influencers you follow -- a fair request if you ask me as I often feel that way too, as an influencer myself. And I think the first step in that direction, is figuring out what I'm doing right and where I'm perhaps missing the mark.

With all that in mind, I'm cutting my mic off (because seriously, I'm rambling now), so we can get down on to the results! (Keep scrolling!)

About you!

  • Slice of the Pie: Between the Google Form survey here (2o questions) and the condensed Insta Stories polls (5 questions), we had well over 1,500 responses! Obviously, everything that follows is considered a population subset -- it's not truly reflective of the ENTIRE group but it's a good indicator. Think of it as a slice of the pie, so to speak.
  • Who are you?: Well, 80% of you are NOT content creators/bloggers/influencers/YouTubers yourselves. This surprised me, as a lot of you did seem to know a lot about the influencer space though, so perhaps some of you should look into the best way of becoming an influencer! TikTok is very popular at the moment, so it might be worth taking a look at tiktokpalace.com, but there are plenty of platforms that you could use to get started so take your time whilst finding the right one(s). I am glad such a high percentage of you were not content creators, as it is nice to hear from people who I may not otherwise hear from.
  • Personal style: When it comes to your personal style, I noticed there was a healthy majority of those in the Madewell + J.Crew, "girl next door camp" (44.7%) and those in the high and low mixing camp (47.9%), which I can admit, I haven't done the best job of staying true to in my personal style posts I've shared here in recent years (but more on that later!).
  • What draws you to blogs? As far as your main motivation behind following a given influencer, it quite unsurprisingly boiled down to style/beauty inspiration (52.7%), followed by a desire to feeling connected to like-minded women and men (17.6%) -- another area I'd like to iterate on, but more on that later!



OUTFIT DETAILS: Suistudio coat (similar style here) // Zara turtleneck (similar style here) // Sunglasses (found at a vintage store in Melbourne, but similar style here) // Levis Wedgie jeans // Tibi heels // Cafune bag



General habits

  • Reading blogs: A thing of the past? When it comes to consuming content on blogs, many of you confessed to reading primarily at least a few times a week (38.3%), if not daily (42.6%), but when it comes to your favorite platform to follow said influencers on, the overwhelming majority of you said Instagram. While it's a bit conflicting, I can relate to this breakdown, as I spend way more time on Instagram following ALL the influencers on my radar, and spend a select amount of time on the few blogs I care to read on a daily basis (this is a huge shift for me, compared to when I started this site over 9 years ago, when I would read A TON of blogs every day on my blog roll (oh man, anyone remember those?!). This, of course, begs the question, what makes a blog worthy of that limited time you DO spend reading? More on that later...
  • Time of Day: There's almost an equal size grouping of my early birds (those who love checking blogs/social media early in the morning) coming in at 41.2% and my night owls coming in at 42.2%. I'm toying around with the idea of publishing twice a day several times a week, and kinda love the idea of night time programming to compliment the early morning sartorial inspiration dose. Thoughts?
  • Like To Know It: Not many of you ACTUALLY use Like To Know It (63.8%), which is practically music to my ears. Not that I have anything against the platform, it's just that since its launch, I think it's safe to say it's cut into a lot of bloggers' traffic, since the incentive to visit a site for further outfit information is practically removed. One of my biggest professional goals this year (as it is every year) is to increase my overall traffic and the stickiness of my site -- so when it comes to shopping my Instagrams, you can simply visit my Shop My Instagram page here.




Let's talk about the elephant in the room: INSTAGRAM

  • iPhone or DSLR?: This question seems to get asked a TON in all the Insta Stories polls I've been seeing lately (for good reason) and the results came in as I expected. When asked to choose, most people prefer iPhone photos over high fidelity photos from a DSLR or equivalent camera (69.7% vs. 30.3%). By now, I've sure you've all heard plenty of anecdotal stories as to why iPhone photos perform better on Instagram -- including possible algorithm favoring -- but I think in general, it indicates a return to when Instagram first launched with more candid, raw, off the cuff sort of posting behavior (Eva Chen brought this up back in April when the introduced the first of several algorithm changes). While I don't necessarily see most content creators completely returning to that, I do think there's value in prioritizing this feedback to see how it resonates with you all. Of course, you can still expect high fidelity photos here, on the blog, which of course, may find their way over to Instagram from time to time, but in general, I'd like to try this for a good month to see how it goes.
  • Instagram posts or Insta Stories?: I'm actually really keen to ask this question in about 6 months to see how much it's changed (if at all). As of right now though, actual Instagram posts sneak by as the winner over Insta Stories (56.4% vs. 43.6%).
  • Live Videos or Insta Stories?: This was a landslide. Nearly 92% of you prefer Insta Stories over Live Videos, and I have to say, I agree. Very rarely do I get a notification for a live video and actually click through to watch in that moment. Most of the time, it boils down to the fact I'm busy and in the middle of something else so I can't necessarily "tune in" for that show.



General thoughts on the influencer space

  • The Good: These questions were positioned as optional, open ended responses, so I'll be generalizing the overall sentiment here. When it comes to the type of content folks love seeing on blogs, it really boils down to one main underlying goal: being relatable. I think now, more than ever, you dear readers appreciate it when a blogger shows that they are more than a perfectly curated feed -- that they're real, they have flaws, they have hardships, they have quirks, and above all, they're human. To quote, (and don't worry, we'll have lots of quotes down below), one person wrote that they wished more bloggers would keep "being honest about their failures as well as their successes." You all had a bunch of thoughts that laddered back up into this umbrella idea: creating relatable outfits (at price points that didn't ONLY feature luxury items), being candid on Insta Stories, sharing actionable tips and tricks to fellow bloggers, creating thought provoking essays that perhaps go beyond an outfit and make people want to get to know you more.
  • The Bad: As far as the types of content you wish bloggers would leave BEHIND in 2o17? Well, here's a condensed list of themes/subjects that came up repeatedly and it goes something like this: loop giveaways (understandable), sponsored beauty content especially when it goes live the same day as a bunch of other bloggers' posts (fair point), unboxing videos on Insta Stories (makes sense), business of blogging posts (unless there's a unique value add), overt sponsorships that don't fit their brand and saying "Hi guys" at the beginning of videos (this one made me laugh and nod my head a tiny bit!).
  • The UGLY: Sale roundups. Hands down, the most requested thing to STOP recapping, resharing, rounding up and generally, just talking about in the blog world. And you know what? I gotta say I agree. As someone who has consistently blogged about the aforementioned sale that shall remain unnamed and can see and understand as to why it's a big revenue source for bloggers, I can also recognize when enough is enough and it sounds like you guys, dear readers, tend to tune out during this time anyway. Gift guides came in as a close second.
  • Finish this sentence..."When I decide to follow a blogger, it's important to me that they..." There were so many wonderful, thought-provoking answers to this one, but my favorite was: "When I decide to follow a blogger, it's important to me that they mirror some aspect of my life that I hold dear." I mean, after all, we're all looking to connect, right?



This Time Tomorrow feedback

  • The top 4 requested content categories (in order of preference): Daily outfits, personal essays (about relationships, about hardships, about LIFE etc.), travel guides and a tie for 4th place between fitness/wellness and interviews with inspiring women (like my Woman Crush Wednesday series). Personally, I'm excited this question affirmed a lot of what I want to refocus on this year, that being more relatable outfit content and more personal writing.
  • When it comes to style of photography, the majority of you would prefer approachable content (more candid, on the street, heading to coffee/meetings/work moments) over aspirational (more editorialized, stylized moments), coming in at 85.1% vs. 14.9%. I have lots of thoughts on this -- and promises around it -- down below in the "But what does this all mean for 2018?" section.
  • As far as what you guys want me to KEEP doing, we have: long form personal essay writing, more video content, more photos without sunglasses on, travel photography and guides, more casual, every day outfits, fitness and marathon training, ELVIS BUTT WIGGLE STORIES! God guys, with all these essays you're requesting, I might have to get someone to write essays for me! Although I hear they're very helpful, I do love writing for you guys and I don't think I could pass that role onto someone else.
  • On the flip side, the most common things you guys think I should STOP doing are: too many editorialized shoots that end up being too aspirational, sale round ups and including too many photos in a post (fair enough!).

Letters to the editor

So many of you wrote thoughtful, detailed and actionable feedback (the trifecta!), that I wanted to share some of the highlights, praise and constructive criticism alike!

  • "The one thing I think you should STOP doing is over the top fashion posts. Again, LOVE your style and find it so so beautiful. But sometimes I really wonder where you are wearing these things. They're beautiful to photograph, but not as "inspirational" for someone who has a desk job and a morning commute. I still go back to your San Fran, Google blogger days to draw inspiration for my work and personal life."
  • "First of all, MAJOR congratulations on running the NYC Marathon -- it's a huge accomplishment and you should be so proud! That said, as someone who runs distance races and knows what it's like to run a marathon, I found your blogging about the process to miss the mark and I didn't think you gave a realistic picture of what is required to train for a marathon (or what to wear to do it!)."
  • "Less editorial type photos. They're beautiful but not as interesting as candid photos"
  • "Opening up about life, fashion, Elvis, NYC. You have a unique perspective on life, on moving across country, on relationships. The 'girl chat' mentality of blogging is really nice, especially with the increase of cultivated social media, its nice to connect with a blogger because you share similar interest and paths in life."
  • "The thoughtful essays. It's been a rough year and we have 3 more ahead, so keep on with the woman power."
  • "Writing! I love the way you write. I love that you can talk about fun and slightly more frivolous stuff like fashion and beauty but you also have such a unique voice and are very well written. I discovered your blog several years ago while still in college and your blog made me want to write."

But what does this all mean for 2018?

Of course, everything above is just great feedback until you put it to work -- and that's exactly what I want to do. So here's what I'm gearing up for, content wise in 2018 -- I'm pretty excited for all of it, and I hope you are, too!

  • More personal writing: If one thing is very clear to me now, it's that you guys are craving a more personal, one-on-one narrative here, to show that there's plenty more past the highlight reel of Instagram. I, like many of you, have thoughts, concerns, desires, fears, anxieties and problems like the rest of humanity. Will we get into all of it? Nah, there aren't enough hours in the day and I don't want to DRAG you down that much. But, I'm excited to open up with more personal posts -- the good and the bad -- in hopes it creates more of a sense of community around these parts. You guys brought up my previous dating posts here and here, my adult acne and self-image struggle posts here, my career posts here and even some of my politically charged posts here and here as favorites. The key here to remember is that it's quality over quantity -- I want to make sure I'm producing content that I'm proud of and that I think adds distinct value to your day.
  • More everyday outfit inspiration: My next biggest takeaway? Get back to my roots. While there's something I really enjoy about being able to style a shoot that's aspirational and editorial in nature, I can also recognize that it can be alienating if done too often. I think somewhere along the way, I really got hooked on flexing my stylist muscle that I failed to share more of my every day, running around the city/heading to work looks that brought a lot of you here in the first place. This coming year, I like to think we can find a really nice balance of the two, perhaps with a dedicated hub here on my site to house more of my "styling work" -- where I'd ideally love to style actual models for conceptualized shoots. I've always toyed with this idea with different photographers and I think now is the time to try it.
  • More fitness: As one reader pointed out above, my NYC Marathon training was a bit lacking, and she was, for the most part, correct. Due to a crazy travel schedule the months leading up to the marathon itself, I wasn't quite realistic with myself as to what was feasible, both from a physical training standpoint and from a content production standpoint. While I haven't officially signed up for the NYC Marathon again this year, I'm already planning on it and this time around, I'd love to create a more detailed series as to how I prep leading up to race day. Would you be interested in forming a virtual running club -- essentially we would keep each other accountable for mileage/work outs etc.?
  • More personal Insta Stories: OK, so I need to get over this weird phobia I have of just sitting there and talking to the camera -- most of the time, I just hate the sound of my voice and get oddly anxious over the 15 seconds cutting my sentences off at weird points that I end up refilming way more than its worth. That said, you guys want more candid, real peeks into every day life so I'll give it a go!
  • More video: As you guys know, this was a big focus for the second half of 2017 for me and while the learning curve is steep and I still really have no idea what I'm doing, I'm enjoying the challenge! From my set of current videos, I can tell you guys liked the chattier ones -- both the 73 Questions and my first haul video -- so I'm already planning on a more quippy Q&A series as well as styling tips and tricks videos.
  • Building up my newsletter: My newsletter was another big focus for the second half of 2017, and another one where the learning curve was (and still is!) steep, but I do think my newsletter is going to become an even bigger focus in 2018 as I start releasing longer format writing and hopefully more editorial styling with models.

And that's all I have from this year's 2018 survey -- did I miss or gloss over anything? Did you find this helpful at all? Please let me know in the comments below!

Photos by Alisha Siegel

January 12, 2018No Comments

friday favorites: hygge essentials

3 minute read


By now, I'm sure we're all familiar with the Danish concept of hygge. A quick summation: that amazing feeling, whether you're with those you hold dear or by yourself, at home or out and about, of being completely content and cozy. Hygge, for us Americans especially, comes into play a lot during the winter, when coziness is absolutely essential. As The New Yorker described it, "It is candles, nubby woolens, shearling slippers, woven textiles, pastries, blond wood, sheepskin rugs, lattes with milk-foam hearts, and a warm fireplace." A.k.a, all the best things in life, right?!

This winter has already proven to be a bit nasty, from bomb cyclones on the east coast to crazy wildfires and mudslides on the west. So, as holiday lights are coming down, now is the time to wrap yourself in the Danish way of life. Check out my tips and tricks for achieving the ultimate level of cozy this winter.

Title Boxing in Cleveland — tons of locations in the US! 

Working out

I know that might sound crazy, but hear me out — we all know that nothing feels better than finishing an intense workout class, coming home, hopping in a warm shower, and changing into comfy loungewear and slipping into clean sheets. I mean, you're cozy just thinking about it! But instead of going to the gym, perhaps give a boutique fitness class a try. I've been loving my ClassPass subscription right now; there are tons of great intro deals for new members (I'm currently riding on a free first month!) and some amazing classes. My favorite has been pilates, but check back in with me later today after I take a fun dance cardio class (after which I will promptly be hopping back into bed!).

My friend Grace's lovely apartment

Lighting candles

I honestly am not sure if hygge can truly be achieved without some amazing candles. There are few things more soothing than lighting a billion delicious-smelling candles and basking in their glow. I love picking up candles at Target or Anthropologie — I'm obsessed with this orange and clove, am currently burning this brown sugar and chestnut, and have this pomander sitting on my shelf. Pick your favorite scent and let it waft through your home, instantly calming you.

My bestie Kendall perfecting her hygge

Cozy loungewear

All I've bought lately has either been loungewear or activewear that I only wear as loungewear. I live for a good, cute pullover, and a matching pair of joggers. I've also been dying for a pair of shearling slippers — does anyone else like to wear shoes around the house? There's just something so much more appealing about sliding into a pair of fuzzy slippers after a long day.

Make coffee and a delicious meal

Treat yourself to a slow morning in — make coffee (or matcha or tea, whatever your preference) and cook a warming breakfast like shakshuka (my favorite recipe is from the New York Times) or perhaps a bowl of golden milk oatmeal. Enjoy in your cozy home, like my friend Grace's, featured above, and feel completely content!

What are your favorite ways to get cozy this winter season? Let me know in the comments! 

Photos by me

January 10, 2018No Comments

video: 5 must-have winter coats

3 minute read

Alright New Yorkers!

We've officially entered what many call the dreaded trenches of winter (or perhaps that's just my name for the period of time between New Year's Eve and whenever spring decides to show up). Either way, being a February baby means I've always looked forward to the depths of winter, yes, even here in New York. Sure, the days are shorter, the wind bites down to your bones a bit more and for the life of you, you can't seem to remember which coat has which pair of gloves in the pocket. But! The silver lining? Restaurants suddenly become that much cozier when it's snowing outside. Eventually you break down and give in to the urge to have hot chocolate most afternoons. And an insanely chic coat is really all you need when outfit planning. On that note, I've rounded up my 5 favorite types of winter coats in today's video, styling each a bit differently in all my favorite spots around the city. I hope you enjoy and stay warm out there!


[prodl brand="1. Max Mara" product="Soldato coat" description="What I love most about a good swing coat (especially one that's midi length or longer) is that by simply adding a belt, you have a really chic dress. This particular pink coat is just so feminine (a bit of a departure for me when it comes to my coat routine) making it all the more twirl worthy. I wore a simple little cocktail dress underneath (to avoid adding bulk to the outfit), classic black heels and topped it off with a beret for a dash of Parisian flair." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/txUS"][/prodl]

[prodr brand="2. Acne" product="Cade coat" description="If there's one thing I promptly invested in after moving to New York, it was a camel coat. The one I'm wearing in the video is by Suistudio (a favorite suiting brand of mine), but I think this Acne version is the belted camel coat of my dreams (never hurts to have a little variety when it comes to your neutral jacket lineup). I dressed this coat up for evening in the video, but my daily uniform come winter usually consists of a camel coat like this, a grey turtleneck and some high waisted skinny jeans." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/tylw"][/prodr]

[prodl brand="3. Stella McCartney" product="Navy double breasted coat" description="It's easy to shy away from really long coats, particularly when you're far from model height like me, and the idea of something so long feels like it's going to swallow you up. Boy, was I wrong. I picked up an almost floor length coat two winters ago and realized the clean, long lines of the jacket actually made me look taller, not to mention warmer (it's practically like wearing a blanket). Needless to say, this Stella option is a great contender for the colder months of winter ahead. And it's on sale!" link="http://shopstyle.it/l/tyoM"][/prodl]

[prodr brand="4. Gabriela Hearst" product="William reversible herringbone coat" description="I love how herringbone always has a slight borrowed from the boys vibe -- and a coat like this is easy to put your own feminine spin on. In the video, I styled mine with a belt cinching for a higher waistline, skinny jeans, and the illusion of not much else going on underneath (spoiler alert: a little lacy cami will do just fine here). Suddenly, what was once an overcoat now looks more like a statement blazer." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/typz"][/prodr]

[prodl brand="5. A.P.C." product="White wool and mohair coat" description="It's true. I'm a sucker for winter white looks. Oddly enough though, this wool and mohair coat actually marks my first white coat. The one I'm wearing in the video is by Ba&sh Paris, but this one by A.P.C. has the same deliciously oversized fit -- kind of like you stole it from your boyfriend." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/tx9N"][/prodl]


Video by Eythan Maidhof

January 9, 201833 Comments

about that natalie portman comment

4 minute read


Truth be told, I actually had a very different post written for today.

It was a post about jet lag and meditation and how I really can't handle either (although I'm trying!), but in light of Sunday's Golden Globes ceremony, I thought twice about it.

As I'm sure many of you already saw, read or have talked about at great length, the #TimesUp movement that hit the red carpet in LA was nothing short of, in my opinion, a moving and united message of action, support, and empathy for those facing sexual assault, harassment, and inequality in the workplace. Those things are happening daily for some people, and with the help of the #TimesUp movement, more people are beginning to speak up against the people who are sexually harassing them. After speaking up, people are advised to try and find someone who is well-practiced in sexual harassment law to try and help them gain compensation if they are entitled to it for the experiences they've had to go through.

Debra Messing called out E! News for not paying their female anchors the same as their male counterparts, all WHILE giving an interview with E! News. Social justice activists like Tarana Burke (founder of the #MeToo movement) joined A-list celebrities as their companions for the evening. And if I'm not mistaken, my girl Oprah just threw her hat in for 2020 with that speech (and I, for one, couldn't be more excited by the prospect of that).

But wait, what about that Natalie Portman comment? Yeah, let's get into that Natalie Portman comment.

Again, as you may have already seen or heard or scrolled past, Natalie Portman presented the award for Best Director, her lead in line going something like this: "And here are the ALL MALE nominees for best director."

Emphasis on "all." Even bigger emphasis on "male." And even bigger emphasis on the awkward look that Ron Howard by her side just couldn't shake off fast enough.

I shared this exact moment on Insta Stories the other night -- as I loved the overall brazenness of this move. The tact, delivery and perhaps the timing of the statement caught a lot of people off guard -- including the nominees -- and while I could see how this might seemingly shift the overall positive tone of the evening to that of seemingly bitter -- I didn't take it as such. She took a timely opportunity when she had a very global stage to make a point. (Continued below...keep scrolling)



OUTFIT DETAILS: Leone dress // Sergio Rossi heels // Olympia Le-Tan clutch // Celine sunglasses



The point that, like many other industries, not just Hollywood, there's a fundamental accessibility issue. In it's 75 years, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has only nominated 6 female directors to date for a Golden Globe (with Barbra Streisand being nominated twice and winning once) -- the numbers are even more dismal when you look at the Academy Awards.

And it's largely due to the fact that female directors make up such a small percentage of top industry films (the ones that eventually get award buzz anyway), the reasons for such boiling down to studios, producers and film executives standing in the way of allowing that number to change and evolve. In fact, as of 2016, both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs launched an investigation into discriminatory hiring practices against female directors in Hollywood. Of the few women who eventually earn the helm of such top industry films, many find themselves left out of the awards race all together (like Lady Bird's Greta Gerwig).

I think Portman's comment forced this conversation to take center stage. I didn't take it as a plea for nominating women purely for the sake of hitting a female director quota -- that doesn't do anyone, male or female directors, any favors. And while I could see how it might alienate or even undermine the very talented men who were nominated, I also didn't take it as a slight against those gentlemen either. I think what she was trying to highlight here was the question: why don't we have more female directors being considered for these types of roles in the first place?

Of course, I always love hearing from you guys on these topics, even if we may see things differently -- I think that's the beauty in debate!

What did you think about Natalie Portman's comment? Let me know in the comments below -- or DM me on Instagram! Let's chat!

As for these photos, Lydia and I actually snapped these while we were in LA earlier this year working with the Sarah Seven team on their Leone collection launch. It just dawned on me that I had never shared these photos and figured, in light of today's post topic, the "You Are A Star" mural was all too fitting.


Photos by Lydia Hudgens

January 8, 2018No Comments

survey says

3 minute read



First of all, I'm back! After over a month of traveling around Australia (so much to share from that trip -- stay tuned), I finally landed back in New York this past Friday. Mind you, the Bomb Cyclone that hit the East Coast last week had other plans, definitely making my return trip an interesting and anxiety-inducing one, but that's a story for another day. But man, it feels good to be home and sleeping in my own bed.

Secondly, I have to admit, the start of 2018 has been a bit slower than what I would have liked. Admittedly, much of the first few days of the year were spent traveling and battling storms with very dramatic names and the jet lag that inevitably followed, so I can't be too hard on myself. Instead, I've been forcing myself to enjoy the chance to sit back, reflect and really think about this past year and what my hopes are for 2018 -- a luxury that sometimes I take for granted. You may have caught my one and only goal for the year here, that being to share much more of my writing -- and that one still very much so stands -- but naturally, it begs the question, what is it that I want to cultivate here on This Time Tomorrow? More importantly, what is it you want to see cultivated on This Time Tomorrow?

This, of course, got me thinking that I've never officially conducted a reader survey here on the blog. I know, I know. Reader surveys always call to mind random pop-up windows that you automatically want to click out of, and while I 99% of the time would agree with you there, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if you could fill this 20 question survey out. Many of the questions are multiple choice and all free form text responses are optional, so it really should only take 10 minutes tops of your time. Not to mention, I'd be eternally grateful. And good karma is good karma, right?

Mainly, I want to understand how I can make this more of a community of women for women -- more of a two-way conversation vs. a one-sided platform. And I think we can easily build that together.


OUTFIT DETAILS: Avec Les Filles jacket (sold out, similar style here) // Hellessy slip dress (from a few seasons ago, but similar style here) // Cult Gaia bag // Zara slides (from summer, love this similar pair here) // Hat Attack hat




Photos by Lydia Hudgens

January 5, 2018No Comments

friday favorites: winter weather essentials

3 minute read

Coat: J. Crew Perfect Winter Parka (it really is perfect, and SO warm!)

Walking to lunch

My roommate and lovely friend Fallon (also an amazing makeup artist!)

Good news: we've made it to Friday! The first Friday after New Years always feels a long time coming — we were so recently on rest mode, and going back to full power for a week can be exhausting. Luckily, here in New York, we've been hit by the crazy Bomb Cyclone, which bestowed us with inches upon inches of snow. Which, of course, translates to: snow day! Yesterday, almost everyone had work or school off, and we got another, albeit brief, chance to relax post-holidays.

I spent the day meal prepping (I'm attempting the Whole30 diet for the first time this month!), listening to music, and sipping tea. Halfway through the afternoon, though, we realized it was time for lunch and decided to venture into the snowstorm. Our trek three blocks to one of our favorite neighborhood haunts felt like literally 5 miles — making me understand the true benefit of good winter gear! That means a warm coat, a great scarf, and boots with real traction (none of that smooth-soled business!). Slipping and sliding down the hills of Hamilton Heights would've been treacherous without a trusty pair of winter boots.

That being said, of course, we need our winter gear to not be completely frumpy — things that can ideally take us from snowstorm to board room, or coffee shop, or office, or classroom, with only the possibility of slight tweaks needed. Below, I've rounded up some of my favorite winter weather essentials, just in time to battle the upcoming cold front! Time to get cozy…

[prodr brand="ACNE STUDIOS" product="VIRGIN WOOL CANADA SCARF" description="Acne scarves are a cult classic for a reason. They're a formidable size and a hefty weight while also being stylish and polished, making them the perfect addition to any true winter ensemble." link="LINK URL"] [/prodr]

[prodl brand="SOREL" product="TOFINO IL FAUX FUR WATERPROOF BOOT" description="Sorel is known for its amazing quality — these boots will last you a lifetime, all the while keeping your feet toasty warm. They also pack a serious style punch, pairing well with a sweater dress and tights to leggings and cozy cashmere." link="LINK URL"] [/prodl]




Photos by me, taken on my iPhone

January 1, 2018No Comments

stop and go: my one goal for 2018

4 minute read


In true New Year's Day form, I sat down to write this post all about my resolutions for the year. This, of course, got me thinking: isn't it funny that resolutions are so often framed around stopping or starting something? Starting a diet. Quitting a bad habit. Picking up a new hobby. Putting an end to your shoe budget. It's one extreme or the other. You either stuck to it. Or you didn't. Which is, largely why I like to think we believe we come up short on the last day of the year when we realize perhaps we didn't stick to that one extreme or the other. Black or white. There's no gray area. There's no work in progress area. There's no room for forgiveness.

I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like a very kind way to start the year. There are plenty of things I'd love to start AND stop this year. But there are also a lot of things that I'd like to keep just plain DOING -- they haven't just started this year and they're not about to stop, but rather they're the things I'd like to make the commitment to keep up. I'm not resolving to do anything -- I'm committing to make time for the things I know I want to keep doing.

This is all probably a long rambling way of saying I like to think of my resolutions as commitments -- promises to myself that I'll keep dedicating precious time to the things I know I want to make time for. For me, that's always been writing -- one of the biggest reasons I started this blog in the first place was to collect my writing in one proverbial corner of the internet, and while numerous other platforms and content consumption trends since then have perhaps made this industry more visually focused, I know I'm happiest when I write something that I'm particularly proud of. After looking back on 2017, I don't think I made enough of a commitment to sharing my writing here and that's something I'd like to focus on this year -- longer format personal essays. Don't get me wrong -- I love sharing and photographing what I'm wearing, but I want you to come to This Time Tomorrow knowing that you'll leave with way more than outfit inspiration. It's about sharing the personal (the good and the bad), the professional triumphs and failures (and what I've learned from them both) and my thoughts on what it means to be a 30 something woman living in the world we live in (and how I'm attempting to make sense of it all). Perhaps that's a vague direction and I'm OK with that. I'm actually really looking forward to the defining of it as I go along -- a process I'd love for you to join me on.

I mentioned this before in a previous post, but I've been doing a lot of reflecting while traveling around Australia -- about this industry I find myself in and the particular content I enjoy creating. It's been an interesting exercise in reviewing, critiquing and yes, even meditating on the things I think have worked well, what hasn't and what I think I'm holding back (all while driving through some incredible countryside in Western Australia). I like to think of it as a cathartic road trip of sorts -- examining who I am at this moment as a creative and figuring out what parts I want to focus on as my work in progress. I don't want to think of it as black or white. Stop or go. Start or stop. I want to think of it as BEING -- and all the messiness and beauty and truth that comes with it.

What's one thing you'd like to keep doing this year?



What I'm wearing:


Photos by Ty Johnson // Shot on location at The Pinnacles National Park in Western Australia

December 30, 20175 Comments

17 of 2017

8 minute read

Well, here we are! Another year coming to an end -- a new one just about to begin. I always find this time of year -- the span between Christmas and New Year's -- to be an interesting "in between" period. It's as if we're all collectively waiting for some proverbial shoe to drop, a sigh of relief we're looking to release at any minute. Your days kind of get a bit blurred together, between family get togethers and late night cocktail parties with friends. And you reflect. A lot. Or at least I do.

It's part of the reason why I love writing these end of year posts so much. During our drive yesterday between Perth and Margaret River (where we're spending New Year's), I dug through my archives over the course of this year and pulled my personal highlights and favorites -- a reel of my highs (and even some lows) that meant a lot to me these past 12 months. The opportunities. The trips. The career moves. And of course, I have all of you to thank for it. So thank you. For following along this year, for reading, for supporting, and most importantly, for being my friends.

Wherever you are this New Year's Eve, I hope you ring in the new year with love and hope, as I know I will. And as for 2018, let's f-ing do this. I'm ready for ya.

What kind of content do you want to see in 2018?





1. Speaking on panels: One of my biggest personal goals this year was to take on more speaking engagements. Public speaking has always been a point of contention for me — I tend to shy away from being the center of attention, especially if a microphone is involved. This year alone, I told myself every speaking engagement that popped into my inbox, I would take on — 5 in total.

The biggest pinch me moment was when I was invited to speak on a panel about women disrupting the digital media landscape at the Samsung space in Meatpacking. Walking in that evening and seeing my photo span a 2 story high screen was a pretty incredible feeling -- both humbling and frightening at the same time. But, of course, with any fear, practice always helps and I've found that usually once I get started, I love the adrenaline rush of it all. And the questions from all of you!


2. NYC Marathon: After pulling out of the NYC marathon the year before, tackling the race this year was a big fitness goal for me. I documented my training process along the way — and I cannot begin to thank you all enough for the words of encouragement along the way. While my time wasn’t necessarily anything to brag about (I had to walk quite a bit), I was ecstatic to just have finished the race and been a part of something that literally the city comes together to support. Huge props to my boyfriend who also tried to run me down for the last 6 miles to give me a new set of headphones (my Apple AirPods died around mile 18).

3. Japan: My trip to Japan was a dream trip come true — one that had been in the works for several years with my good friend, Heather. We both were dying to see the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom and managed to schedule the trip perfectly, hitting Tokyo, Kyoto and Naoshima at just the right time to witness it all.

4. Scotland: Even though this was probably one of my shortest international trips (less than 5 full days), I walked away with some of my all-time favorite images of the year, including the one you see here, of me in the red dress up at the Isle of Skye.

5. Australia X 2!: This year, I chocked up two separate trips down under — both very different from each other. The first was spent trekking through New South Wales with their state tourism board, experiencing Sydney, Bondi, Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay. The second — where I am currently — has been spent exploring Melbourne and Western Australia with my guy. I just have to say -- I've been spoiled with SUCH good coffee and avo smash here that it's gonna be really hard to leave.



6. South of France: For ages now, I’ve wanted to visit the south of France. We hopped over back in August and I was basically in heaven as we drove through some of the most beautiful countryside I’ve ever seen — lavender and sunflower fields and all. I still need to post my recap posts from this trip so look out for those in early January!


7. Instagram engagement tips: Ah, the algorithm heard around the world. Thanks to Facebook, we’ve all felt the effects of the algorithm change introduced back in March — and for better or for worse, we’re stuck with it. I’m not going to lie, it’s really changed the way I look at the platform and the credence and weight I give it, when it comes to my business. That said, I loved starting this conversation with you all — tips and tricks — on how to best handle the changes, if for nothing else than to give a bit of transparency to something that tends to be kept as an industry secret.

8. How to handle a breakup: The start of 2017 hit a pretty low note for me — the guy I had been dating at the time decided to call it quits at midnight on New Year’s Eve. I took the first month or so of the year to really reflect on how I handled that heartbreak. What came of it was this post, where I shared 6 ways to handle a breakup — it was extremely therapeutic to share this with you guys and hopefully it helped someone else along the way.

9. Glamour Magazine: While this photoshoot actually happened at the end of 2016, it wasn’t until March of 2017 that I saw this finished ad for Clinique in Glamour Magazine. These photos are some of my favorite snaps in print — I still have to pinch myself when I see them.

10. International Women’s Day with BHLDN: Celebrating International Women’s Day with these badass babes for a collaboration with BHLD. Also, this dress made many appearances over the year — it’s probably one of my favorites.

11. Launching YouTube and my weekly newsletter: I’ve been pushing myself to launch both my YouTube channel and my weekly newsletter and toward the second half of this year, I was able to do both! It’s been a really rewarding experience challenging myself to learn and develop two different platforms and I’m looking forward to growing the two even more in 2018.

12. Nora, my editorial assistant: One of my big professional goals for 2017 was to hire an editorial assistant to help with some of my day over day workload. While I’ve managed direct reports before while at Google, this time felt infinitely different as the business is that much more personal. The minute I met Nora though, I knew my brand was in good hands. Not only is she meticulous, organized and good at making sure I eat lunch during the day (I sometimes just forget and power through until dinner), she’s an amazing writer and photographer. Our holiday dress edit lookbook is some of her finest work yet, I think. Thank you, Nora for everything. You're a badass.

13. Funny Face: Sometimes I do weird things for photoshoots. Including walking around Washington Square Park at 6:30am with multicolored balloons to recreate a scene from Funny Face. Was it worth it though? I think so!

14. Underneath it All: This year I partnered with a few of my favorite lingerie brands, Adore Me and Third Love, both I think are great at hitting the sweet spot for women of all sizes and shapes — a surprising anomaly in a market dominated by angel wing models. Like many of you I’m sure, I have body hang ups and insecurities, which is why I loved shooting this campaign to tackle those head on. I’ve never thought of lingerie as something for men — it’s much more a gift to myself. The gift of feeling comfortable in my own skin and embracing my sexuality, however I choose to express it, which I'm sure many women from the likes of www.hdpornvideo.xxx and other sites would agree with as well!

15. Mulberry: As we draw 2017 to a close, I’m extremely grateful for the roster of wonderful brand partners I’ve worked with the past few months. My career highlight though was working with Mulberry back in November for their Amberley Bag launch.

16. Sarah Seven: I’ve never been the girl who’s dreamt about what her wedding dress would look like. If, or when I get married, I like to think I’d probably wear a really simple, elegant white midi dress. But when I worked with bridal designer Sarah Seven on her contemporary dress line, Leone, I was rather tempted to borrow of of her gowns, just to see what all the fuss is about. The result? I get it now.





17. Paris in the Rain: Out of all my outfits this year, there’s something about this black and white number with a red umbrella in front of the New York Public Library that just felt so cinematic. It’s my current Instagram profile photo and I just can’t bring myself to change it.

December 29, 20173 Comments

friday favorites: best post-christmas sales

2 minute read

Happy Friday after Christmas!

I know that's in no way a holiday, but it kind of feels like one, don't you think? A benchmark in between Christmas and New Years, a moment to rest but also gear up for the final end-of-the-year extravaganza. And, of course, to stock up on all the best items the post-Christmas sales have to offer.

Whether you're staying in this NYE or going all out, find our picks below from the amazing deals web-wide.

[prodr brand="MOTH" product="CHENILLE CARDIGAN" description="This chenille cardigan is the absolute coziest sweater to ring in the new year — festive and comfy! Add it to your neutral loungewear for staying in, or throw it on over a silk lace top and a miniskirt for a night out!" link="LINK URL"] [/prodr]

[prodl brand="ADELYN RAE" product="LUNAR DRESS" description="I love that this dress can be jazzed up or down — wear it with a white turtleneck underneath for a winter goddess look, or layer on all your dainty gold jewelry and add a faux fur stole for a sparkling NYE outfit." link="LINK URL"] [/prodl]

1. Madewell -- extra 30% off sale styles with code YESPLEASE!

I'm picking up this velvet bodysuit, tie-sleeve sweater, and this flippy skirt. Hurry, Madewell sale goes fast! 

2. Anthropologie -- extra 30% off sale styles!

So many amazing great things on sale, like these gem-toned heels, chic velvet pants, or these perfect bootcut crop jeans

3. Shopbop -- extra 25% off sale styles with code JOY25!

Coveting these sneakers, these amazing hot pink pants, and the perfect Mary Janes

4. Nordstrom -- half-yearly sale, save up to 50% off!

The cutest pink moto jacket, a great workout hoodie, warm and cozy winter boots (buying these now!!!). 

5. J.Crew -- extra 30% off final sale styles plus 40% off cozy styles with code BIGONE!

I'm getting a classic houndstooth skirt, a huge, cozy plaid scarf, and another winter coat (J.Crew has the best winter coats!). 

Photo by Lydia Hudgens from this post

December 28, 20175 Comments

top played songs of 2017

4 minute read

Perhaps you're like me and you recall Spotify's global outdoor ads that they ran toward the end of 2016. Essentially, it was a tongue in cheek way of poking fun at different listener's habits by crunching user data, either by the amount of times a certain song had be listened to or perhaps the title of a given curated playlist. Best example was this tagline: "Dear 3,749 people who streamed 'It's the End of the World as We Know It' the day of the Brexit vote, hang in there."

You get the idea.

Anyway, this year, Spotify came out with a personalized playlist for each person, curated with all their top played songs over the course of the year, which, much like photos, makes for a fun way to revisit and reflect on the year -- what you were doing, where you were going, how you were feeling -- based on the soundtrack you blasted.

Since I'm rounding up my favorite moments from the year for tomorrow's Top 17 of 2017, I figured I'd share my top songs of 2017 playlist as well, some more embarrassing than others (I mean, did I really listen to 'Despacito' that much?), some that still make me dance even though I've listened to it 2,431 times ('Want You Back' by Haim) and some that just really require no explanation at all (like the entire La La Land and Hamilton soundtracks).

So without further adieu, I give you my top play songs of 2017 -- I only ask that you don't judge me by how much Ed Sheeran I apparently listened to. Deal? Deal.




OUTFIT DETAILS: Leone dress // Sergio Rossi heels // Olympia Le-Tan clutch

[prodl brand="Solace London" product="Heloise Ribbed Midi Dress" description="Say hello to your new favorite shimmy, shimmy dress. Hugs just the right amount with a super open back, but the neckline and the overall length help balance it out. Might even be a great New Year's Eve dress contender." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/senZ"][/prodl]


[prodr brand="Ulla Johnson" product="Imogen Dress" description="While this dress doesn't have a low back like the one I'm wearing here, I actually love it for the same reason: it shows off a part of your body that isn't necessarily thought of as an obvious trigger point so to speak, in this case, your shoulders and collar bone. Both undeniably sexy, but in a more subtle, understated way." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/seqk"][/prodr]

[prodl brand="Alex Perry" product="Colton Strapless Dress" description="I just discovered Alexy Perry thanks to my Aussie friend, Izzy, here in Melbourne and ever since, I've been drooling over many of his pieces (some of which have slipped their way into the sale section, like this beauty here!). This particular dress is, in my opinion, the perfect shade of green -- deep olive/military green. And yours truly is tempted." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/sets"][/prodl]


[prodr brand="Khaite" product="Margot Slip Dress" description="You can never have too many slip dresses. But if you must limit yourself, I think at least round out your collection with one black one, one white or nude colored one and one in a fun, statement color, like this mustard, marigold one here. It's unexpected, in the best way possible." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/sevJ"][/prodr]

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 27, 20177 Comments

6 dresses perfect for nye

5 minute read



When it comes to New Year's Eve, I think it's safe to say it's a rather polarizing holiday. On one hand, I can see how many folks might resent, dread, detest (or any combination there of), the holiday itself -- there's a lot of hype, far too many expectations, the hassle of reservations seemingly NEVER being available no matter how early in the year you may start booking and inevitably, there's always someone in tears at midnight for some reason of heartache or self-loathing or both. On the other hand, it can be joyous, celebratory and a good excuse to shake off the previous year, flip it the middle finger (or hug it!) and toast the new one just arriving.

Admittedly, I've been on both sides of the fence when it comes to New Year's Eve -- I'm both a cynic and a believer, but I like to think my inner optimist prevails once the countdown starts and it more often than not, has a lot to do with what I'm wearing for the evening. If I can start the night off in something I feel absolutely fabulous in, even if all hell breaks loose, at least I've got one thing covered.

Since we're just a few days out now from ringing in 2018 (and I've now extended my stay here in Australia while my guy sorts out his pending visa situation) I'm currently hunting for a few good dress options for New Year's in Melbourne (regrettably, I didn't bring any good frocks for the occasion).

Of course, this begs the question: how to stand out amongst the crowd of sequins, black, glitter, metallic, velvet and any of the above combinations. If these photos are any indication (or this post and this video), I'll take every opportunity to be extra AF and run with it -- usually in the name of an editorial shoot (we shot these back in July actually while working with the Sarah Seven team in LA), but particularly in the name of New Year's Eve. Why? It's the perfect holiday to justify a dress splurge -- one that you've been eyeing for most of the season and one that, with any luck, is now on sale thanks to the post-Christmas sale gods. That way, it's not just one dress that you've delegated to the likes of an evening out for champagne but one that brings joy well past a midnight countdown.

In that spirit, I've rounded up a few perfect dresses for New Year's Eve that you'll love well into 2018. Because 2018 is all about things on YOUR terms, am I right?

What are you guys doing for New Year's Eve? And, moreover, what are you wearing?


[prodl brand="Sarah Seven" product="Saint Dress" description="Not for the faint of heart when it comes to a New Year's Eve party dress. This gorgeous Sarah Seven gown is screaming to be worn to a midnight masquerade ball -- bonus points if there happens to be a dramatic staircase for your perfect entrance (and mysterious exit)." link="http://www.sarahseven.com/bride-by-sarah-seven/"][/prodl]


[prodr brand="Rebecca Vallance" product="Guipure Lace Midi Dress" description="If one thing is for sure, you'll be hard pressed to find someone else at the party in another yellow dress. What I love about this one by Rebecca Vallance, is that it's from her Resort collection -- making the overall vibe appropriately vacation inspired (perfect come February when we're all fed up with New York winters and need a warm getaway, but the lace gives it bit of a evening nod." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/r7Hg"][/prodr]



[prodl brand="Rebecca Taylor" product="Patchwork Dress" description="This Rebecca Taylor dress combines some of my favorite elements into one piece of clothing: velvet, ruffles and peek-a-boo lace. While this dress would be perfect with a pair of classic black heels, I'd be even more interested in seeing it paired with knee high black boots." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/r7KZ"][/prodl]


[prodr brand="Zimmermann" product="Rife Dally Midi Dress" description="I've yet to meet a polka dot I didn't like. And this dress by Zimmermann has my name all over it. Asymmetrical? Check. Lace? Check. Cut out shoulders? Check! Plus, it's currently on sale!" link="http://shopstyle.it/l/r7Oo"][/prodr]

[prodl brand="Self Portrait" product="Sweetheart Crochet Midi Dress" description="I love how unexpected a pleated dress might be for evening festivities, but imagine the dancing you could do in this little number! The twirls! The dips!" link="http://shopstyle.it/l/r7SS"][/prodl]


[prodr brand="Alice McCall" product="Sweet Emotion Dress" description="Confession: I actually tried on this very dress here in Australia (Alice McCall is probably my newest Australia crush but shhh...don't tell my boyfriend that). And another confession: I'm pretty tempted to head back to their boutique to scoop it up. Oddly enough, I don't have many blush colored dresses but amongst a sea of black frocks, you'd certainly stick out. In the best way possible." link="http://shopstyle.it/l/r7VJ"][/prodr]

OUTFIT DETAILS: Sarah Seven gown (borrowed) // Sergio Rossi heels

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 26, 2017No Comments

video: fall/winter 2017 lookbook

2 minute read

Welcome back from the long weekend! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate), spent with friends and loved ones. Mine was spent here in Western Australia with my guy's family -- in the midst of summer, no less! We ate dinner alfresco, opening presents and laughing over BonBons (a new-to-me Australian Christmas tradition), while the warm ocean air breezed through. After the past few months of 2017, which have been hectic to say the least, this has been the perfect respite vacation, with lots of time to do very little actually other than think (an act I often take for granted, when this line of works requires a lot of GO, GO, GO).

In fact, it's gotten me thinking and reflecting a lot about this past year, what I've enjoyed, what seemed to work, what didn't and where I'd like 2018 to take me. Of course, I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of the above, especially as we close out 2017 here in just a few short days. As usual, I'll have my top 17 of 2017 coming later this week -- followed by my thoughts on the year ahead -- goals, dreams, ambitions and more!

In the meantime, since we're just easing into the post-holiday mentality, I wanted to share another video, this one being a much anticipated short from earlier this fall -- my fall/winter 2017 trend lookbook. I've rounded up my four favorite trends (all translate quite nicely into winter) and styled them around Central Park. I hope you enjoy and as always, I would so appreciate it if you would consider subscribing to my YouTube channel here. New videos are posted every Friday, many times before they ever make it to the blog!

As always, thank YOU for reading!

Video by Eythan Maidhof

December 22, 2017No Comments

friday favorites: beauty gift guide

< 1 minute

Happy Christmas weekend!

Though many of you may have your gifts already picked out, some of us are still struggling to find the perfect gift for someone on our list. Maybe she's the woman who has everything and wants for nothing — and yet will playfully expect a lovely gift. Or maybe it's the girl whose life is so effortless and down to earth that even material things just don't cut it. Whoever it is, a tried-and-true gift I always turn to is beauty. From lipsticks to balms to hair products to skincare, beauty is something almost any girl can get excited over, especially as gifts. Beauty products are often small and always thoughtful — I love how much consideration goes into even the tiniest pot of eyeshadow. Does this match her personality? Will she wear it often or for special occasions? Does this color scream her?

Beauty can be tricky, sometimes, but with these picks below you'll be pleasing every last girl on your list. Happy shopping!

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 22, 2017No Comments

video: holiday dress edit

< 1 minute

As promised last week, here's my holiday dress edit video, featuring quite a few of the dresses we snapped here. Even though we're coming down to the wire now before Christmas, there's still New Year's Eve, which many of these dresses would be perfect for! Hope you enjoy and as always, thanks so much for reading!

Video by Eythan Maidhof

December 21, 2017No Comments

boot lover gift guide

3 minute read


If you or someone you know and love is looking for the perfect pair of boots, look no further. I have found the perfect pair of boots, full stop. They're a snakeskin print, a block heel, that ideal shaft height that hits your ankle in just the right spot. Oh, and did I mention they're currently on sale?

Okay, say you're not feeling the snakeskin. That's fine. I still have the perfect pair of boots for you. Knee-high, buttery leather, the kind of weathered tan that says you were out in the stables all day, minus the smell. Oh yes.

Sure, maybe you don't want a tall boot. How about one with a heel, detailing that's both classic and on trend, and a bit of traction to get you from subway to office, even during the snow, but that will still stun in your board meeting? I've got you covered.

Maybe you hate all of those ideas — that's okay too! Johnston & Murphy has possibly the best selection of fall and winter boots I've seen in years. The range of styles is incredible, the craftsmanship is top of the line, and they're sure to please anyone on your Christmas list. I know I'll be both wearing and gifting multiple pairs. Just be sure to sneak a peek at your friend's shoe size the next time you're over at her apartment!

Check out my favorite Johnston & Murphy shoes below and let me know which style you're digging. Happy hunting!


Photos by Nora Varcho

This post was in collaboration with Johnston & Murphy. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 19, 2017No Comments

fishnet socks + 2017’s resolutions

2 minute read

Here's an unexpected stocking stuffer idea: fishnet socks. Bonus points if they have a bow, like this pair. They're an easy way to jazz up any outfit and at $6 a pop, you can easily snag several pairs for all sartorial discerning girlfriends. I picked up this pair when I was in Tokyo earlier this year and love pairing them with my little Sarah Flint Emma heels and jeans (for a cool girl, off-duty look) and with a full midi skirt (for a polished statement outfit).

This, of course, has me thinking about this particular outfit from last year, where I styled my fishnet stockings under a pair of distressed blue jeans -- alongside my resolutions for 2017. The funny thing about resolutions to me, is that, no matter how much you feel like you've accomplished in a particular year, it's easy to still feel like you didn't quite hit the mark. But after reading back through my resolutions from this time last year, and remembering my mood and frame of mind at the time (I was in the midst of an unhealthy breakup), I have to say, I feel quite happy and satisfied with the progress I've made, both personally and professionally. I'll be recapping my progress for the year, benchmarked against last year's goals -- as well as sharing my resolutions for 2018 soon, but in the meantime, I'd love to hear from you guys -- how did 2017 treat you? I know it had it's ups and definitely it's downs -- but overall, how would you rate it for you?

OUTFIT DETAILS: Kohls sweater and jeans // Brixton baker boy hat // Sarah Flint heels // Cafune bag // Fishnet socks from Tokyo

Photos by Nora Varcho

December 18, 2017No Comments

pardon my french

2 minute read

Two things about this dress:

  1. I forgot to include it in last week's holiday dress edit. It somehow missed my radar when I was editing and uploading the photos, but since it's probably one of my favorite all time party dress silhouettes (you can never go wrong with a little fit and flare), I figured I would share it a few days late, in the event perhaps you too, have a few last minute holiday parties to throw yourself together for.
  2. That brings me to my next point -- this very dress is ON SALE for $100, giving you all the more reason to find a reason (or to make up a reason) to dress up this week. We're less than 10 days out from Christmas now, folks, which means if you're not holiday shopping, you're probably sipping egg nog at some party or other. Or perhaps both, simultaneously.
  3. And three, even though I said I only had two, my mother gave me this pearl necklace years ago now, a few Christmases back and while I don't wear it hardly enough, I have to say, it's been my go-to for party looks, especially with wide open necklines like this strapless number. It's dainty, accentuates your neck and draws attention to your decolletage -- all wins in my book, not to mention the fact, it reminds me of my mom every time I wear it.

Also, stay tuned for our Holiday Dress Edit video, coming later this week! If you liked the photos, I think you're going to love the video!

OUTFIT DETAILS: White House Black Market DRESS, SHOES and CLUTCH // Pearl necklace and pearl earrings

Photos by Nora Varcho

December 15, 2017No Comments

the holiday dress edit

3 minute read

I'm so excited to share today's editorial with you, as it was probably one of my most recent favorites to shoot. Inspired by the whirl of the holiday season, I styled 5 different dresses, each unique and distinct enough for numerous occasions that pop up this time of year, be it a black tie wedding, an office holiday party or counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve. As you might recognize already, we shot at the Ludlow Hotel, one of my absolute favorite hotels here in the city, and it served as the perfect backdrop for a girl, on the go, running through late evenings and early mornings, from one party to the next -- throwing on her earrings as she dashes out the door, her eyes fixed on the next cab whose headlights are blaring down the street. She's fabulously late but fabulously dressed -- polished but not too fussed over. This is New York after all -- she can't be too precious about things, now can she?

Huge thanks to Sachin + Babi for partnering with me on this -- as always, I had perhaps too much fun playing dress up in your frocks.

OUTFIT DETAILS: Sachin + Babi black gown // Sachin + Babi pink cocktail dress (not available yet, but similar style here) // Sachin + Babi polka dot gown // Sachin + Babi strapless floral cocktail dress // Sachin + Babi long sleeve lace gown (similar style here)

Photos by Nora Varcho




December 13, 2017No Comments

suits you

2 minute read

A few weeks back, as you might have spied on Insta Stories and here and there in my Instagram posts, I was introduced to the suiting brand, Suistudio. Some of you may already be familiar with it as the younger sister, so to speak, of Suit Supply -- and I've been living in quite a few of their pieces since, namely this coat and this blazer, which you saw in yesterday's post. Of course, I'm never one to turn down a good matching set, especially tailored pieces like these (all alterations are done in house at their SoHo store) and the minute I spotted this muted, plaid combo, I knew I had to have it.

Between the wide leg pants and the warm, earth tones, something about this set strikes just the right retro notes for me -- like a 70s reporter at the New York Times or perhaps a possible outfit from Annie Hall's closet -- and I'm more than OK with that. I've rounded up a few of my favorite suit options down below -- so keep scrolling for a few different alternatives!

OUTFIT DETAILS: Suistudio suit jacket and pants // Suistudio turtleneck // Sergio Rossi heels // The Daily Edited bag // Polaroid camera


Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 12, 2017No Comments

prep school

2 minute read

Continuing yesterday's fall leftovers theme, with another outfit straight from the autumn archives -- this time with these equestrian-inspired boots by Sigerson Morrison and my latest favorite combination of blazers with turtlenecks. Admittedly, there is something quite collegiate about a blazer paired with a turtleneck -- it's polished and yet, comfortably relaxed -- like you could have opted for the white button front oxford instead, but the turtleneck just sounded much more inviting given all that reading you need to do before tomorrow's exams. You all know I'm a huge fan of turtlenecks with practically everything -- under dresses and slip camis alike -- and this particular duo by Sui Studio doesn't disappoint.

I've rounded up a few other favorite blazer and turtleneck combinations below, all of which would be perfect for the long holiday break coming up. Perfect for dinner, with enough lounge appeal for movie marathons afterward.

OUTFIT DETAILS: Suistudio blazer // L'Agence jeans // Sui Studio turtleneck // Sigerson Morrison boots // Olympia Le-Tan clutch



Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 11, 2017No Comments

fall leftovers

3 minute read

Lydia and I snapped these photos a few weeks back, when we were still in the thick of fall in New York. Of course, it's now currently snowing in NYC and I'm actually in the midst of summer in Australia, making this post a confusing one to write. That said, I do love there's quite a bit about this outfit that works across seasons. This particular skirt is a new favorite from H&M -- the rust/amber color is just too good to pass on and I adore it with chunky knit oversized sweaters, like this one, also from H&M. I've worn both individually a number of different ways since photographing this outfit, but I think this skirt wins as far as unexpected finds from a fast fashion retailer. The color and the fabric are surprisingly luxe, usually the first two things I look for when scanning a store like Zara or H&M.

As for summer here in Australia, let's just say I struggled a bit when it came to packing! All my summer clothes are toward the back of the closet rotation, which meant a good amount of digging on my part was in order before we left town. We're now currently in Melbourne for the next week or so before hopping over to Western Australia through the holidays. If you have any recommendations for the area, I'd love to hear them! Please let me know in the comments below!

OUTFIT DETAILS: H&M sweater // H&M skirt (sold out, but love this version here)// Sigerson Morrison boots // Olympia Le-Tan clutch // Celine sunglasses

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 8, 2017No Comments

friday favorites: stocking stuffer gifts

2 minute read

Stocking stuffers should be considered an art. Or maybe a sport? Either way, the smaller gifts that hang across the mantlepiece are often my favorite things to open on Christmas morning. They usually have an extra personal touch, offer something fun and meaningful, and can be immediately be put to good use. I remember waking up on Christmas Day, charging downstairs, and immediately grabbing all stockings and surrounding myself with their contents.

When I was little, stocking stuffers would include practical gifts like face wash and body lotion, delicious treats like chocolate and teriyaki turkey jerky (my favorite snack, haha!), and any other little knick knacks that were honestly probably just too small to wrap such as any custom photo keychains my parents got for us. Whether it was socks or a hot cocoa mix I'd been craving, I always loved whatever was in the stockings.
Now that I'm a bit older, though, I see stocking stuffers as an opportunity for the most heartfelt of gifts. Maybe a little bit more expensive than a Hershey's bar, but still reasonable enough to be able to include enough gifts to fill the stocking. I'm thinking something like this gorgeous Nixon watch that Krystal wears here - functional, sensible, but beautiful and unique. I gave my boyfriend a watch for Christmas a few years ago, and it's still one of his most treasured pieces. Currently, I'm debating gifting myself a Nixon watch (I love this tortoiseshell one), and maybe even one or two for my closest girlfriends.

I love finding little gifts that are both necessary and cute, like this Moscow mule mug (my drink of choice!) or these gorgeous zodiac journals. Check out more of my favorite stocking stuffer picks below.



Photos by Lydia Hudgens

December 7, 2017No Comments

video: a week in the life

< 1 minute

Since starting this little blog journey of mine over 8 years ago, I think one of the most common questions I still get (as I'm sure many other influencers do as well), is this: "So what exactly do you DO on a regular basis?" While the answer to this question is likely worthy of a more in depth explanation of how influencer marketing works in general (perhaps another post, for another day?), I thought it would be fun to tackle this at a high level glance in a (very informal) vlog video (my first ever vlog, in fact!). Given that my past week before hopping down to Australia (where I am currently) was a doozy, I put this Wednesday through Tuesday "Week in the Life" video together, sharing highlights from a few recent video shoots, a hosting gig I had with Amazon Fashion and a handful of other NYC highlights along the way (yes, including Elvis' booty).

I hope you enjoy! And if you have a moment, I'd love to hear any thoughts you may have on what kind of video content you'd like to see from me! I'm still getting ramped up when it comes to YouTube, so I welcome the challenge!

December 5, 2017No Comments

video: behind the scenes with the shops at columbus circle

4 minute read

Earlier this year, you may recall I partnered with The Shops at Columbus Circle team to share some of my favorite fall trends and where to find them in The Shops. Today, I'm so excited to bring you my next installment, a behind the scenes look at the making of their holiday gift guides.

When it comes to holiday shopping, I'm a one and done kind of gal, which usually works against me most years, since I'm also a wait until the last minute kind of gal. While I may have an unhealthy relationship with my Prime membership (guilty as charged), there's nothing quite like shopping around a bustling shopping center, right after Thanksgiving, once the decorations go up, Bing Crosby starts crooning overhead and every once and a while, you catch a glimpse of a man in a red suit breezing by. In fact, there's something quite nostalgic about that, right? I remember as a little girl, every year right after Thanksgiving passed, I'd head down to our local shopping center with my mom and dad to shop around, listen to carolers and oggle all the decorations in the windows and on the trees. Hot chocolate was practically mandatory as you snuck away with your shopping list, so no one knew what you were getting for them. It was all too easy to get caught up in the magic of the season.

And this is a huge reason why I love The Shops at Columbus Circle so much -- especially in a city like New York, which is already brimming with the magic of the season (side PSA note: you need to check out their Holiday Under the Stars installation -- it's breathtaking). As a New Yorker, it's easy to get overwhelmed with holiday shopping that can seemingly leave you trekking all over the city -- uptown to downtown, to Brooklyn and back. Since I'm a self-proclaimed one and done kind of gal though, I'm a huge fan of the breadth of stores at The Shops, which means I can pick up pretty much everything for everyone on my list, from the gourmand to the beauty lover, from mom to dad, from best girlfriends to the hard to shop for boyfriend. Here's a rundown of my holiday gift guide, all of which you can find over at The Shops! Plus, don't forget to check out my gift guide video right this way.

For the foodie: Williams Sonoma is just one of those stores you need to walk into, am I right? Practically every time, I do, I discover something new -- whether it's a gadget for a new in-store offering (like their cooking demonstrations!). This time around, all of rosegold accents caught my eye while I was in store and I think anything from their full copper cookware collection would be a beautiful gift for the person who loves to entertain!

For the music lover: While walking around The Shops the other day, I discovered a new wireless speaker brand -- Devialet. They have a fully equipped, sound booth right there on the 3rd floor, so you can experience each speaker to its full potential, which then got me thinking about certain discerning music fans on my list. The sound capabilities are breathtaking, and while yours truly might get evicted if she blasted one even just at 30%, I think it would also be incredible for surround sound at home movie or TV show binge watching.

For the beauty buff: MAC can be tricky for holiday shopping, mainly because I always end up walking around with more than I intended for myself as well (I'm a Ruby Woo lip gal myself)! Come holiday time, I love that they always merchandise and curate the best stocking stuffer gifts -- from beautifully designed brush sets to travel lipstick packs -- perfect for any beauty lover (or in my case beauty vloggers) in your life.

For him: Guys can be the easiest to shop for and the hardest -- which is why I tend to rely on timeless classics when it comes to the guys on my list. This year, I'm eyeing a herringbone coat from Hugo Boss for my boyfriend, but shhh...don't tell him!

For YOU: Anddddd naturally, no shopping trip is complete without picking up a holiday frock (or two)! Of course, when I was browsing around Hugo Boss, there were a few cocktail dresses that caught my eye. Best part? If you happen to have a party, say that evening, Hugo Boss offers in-store tailoring to make sure your purchase is JUST right.

For Mom: Whenever my mom comes to visit me here in NYC, she inevitably tries out a lot of my different perfumes (and I swear, there have been a few times, they've mysteriously gone missing after her visit!), which is why I love heading to Jo Malone to pick up a few of my favorite scents for her to keep. This particular year, I've also been eyeing their advent calendar, which I think would keep her busy on 24 different Jo Malone products -- fingers crossed she shares with me!

For Dad: My dad is currently in the process of building a custom home up in a beautiful forested area outside Spokane, Washington. I'm sure anyone who's done the same will agree with his opinion that it's an exciting but very long process! I personally think if you want a custom home, then buying a modular home like those from this custom home builder north carolina is the best way to go as it is far easier and a lot quicker. But he wanted to build his home from scratch, so that's what he's doing. He knows people in Texas who've done the same, and they sold their previous property to these San Antonio house buyers that do what they say to get the cash quickly and start building their own dream. They'll be breaking ground in the spring, but since he's doing a lot of property visits up until winter hits, I'm eyeing a few of Hugo Boss' cashmere scarves and lined leather gloves for him, to keep him warm and stylish!

Video by Bobby Hicks

This post was in collaboration with The Shops at Columbus Circle. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 1, 2017No Comments

friday favorites: holiday dresses

2 minute read

Post-Thanksgiving New York is literally the New York you see in movies — everything is sparkling, twinkling, dazzling. Stoops are decked in red bows and green pine, store windows are glittering jewel boxes, and every corner feels like a scene from a snow globe. Christmastime in the city is one of the most magical times of year, where New York really feels like itself, able to flaunt its assets and show off a little.

I remember my first holiday season in New York; I spent most of my time alternating between wandering the joyous maze of the Union Square Christmas Market, where every booth smells like gingerbread and hot apple cider, and checking out the Greenmarket next door, where local farmers bring their amazing produce, meat, bakery, and more every other day. It was so much happiness and festivity in one place, I just loved it. And of course we'd trek uptown to see all the gorgeous window displays at Bergdorf's, and even the Rockefeller tree lighting ceremony was on my list. While I headed home for actual Christmas, I finished my winter wonderland tour with ice skating underneath the giant Christmas tree at 30 Rock.

New York is marvelous during the holidays, but one of my absolute favorite parts of the season is getting dressed up. For partiers, for dinners, for date nights, for seeing the Rockettes at Radio City – there are so many excuses to get completely dolled up, and I love it so much (especially as a way to unwind from finals season, haha!). This year, I'm looking forward to sipping champagne by a window in merry West Village, decked to the nines in a gorgeous cocktail dress like the one Krystal wears in this post. It's something about that perfect dress that makes the season all that more bright. Check out our picks below for the best holiday dresses (at all different price points!) for all your festive outings. 

Photos by Alisha Siegel from last year's post


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