February 23, 201615 Comments

a thank you note

2 minute read
Sweater: White &Warren (similar style here); Skirt: Gayeon Lee borrowed from Plan de Ville; Shoes: Henri Lepore Dezert; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine
Where to start?
Well, let's start with the fact that I'm utterly blown away. Blown away by the response to yesterday's post. Blown away by your sweet and kind words of support, encouragement and positivity. Blown away by your emails (I'm still going through them -- sorry for the delay!). Blown away by how good it feels to be so open and vulnerable about something like this and to know that, at the end of the day, we can all relate to each other.
And for that, I want to say thank you. Thank you for reminding me how much I love to write, especially about things I'm passionate about and thank you for reminding me that it's OK to not be perfect, despite what the internet might tell us. I, for one, am far from perfect and need to remind myself from time to time, that no expects me to be. And as one imperfect person to another, I don't expect you to be perfect either. In fact, here's to being perfectly imperfect! It feels pretty darn good, huh? Like a sigh of relief. A perfect sigh of relief.

February 22, 201629 Comments

lessons in self-love and acceptance {my struggle with hormonal acne}

8 minute read

First things first. I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, that I truly appreciate all your kind words and birthday wishes last Friday. To feel genuine connections today is rare and the fact I can share my little corner of the internet with you day to day and have it mean something to both of us -- to connect, to discuss, to commiserate, to support, to advise, to just BE, well that's nothing short of amazing to me. Truly. Thank you.

Secondly, but on a very related and open note, I wanted to talk about something that I've been dealing with and thinking about lately and that's self-image. Now, before this starts to sound like an eye-roll inducing after school special, I'd like to clarify a few things. This isn't where I get on a soap box and tell you the importance of self-image and self-worth. Because at the end of the day, I think we can all recognize just how important these things are and how very little they should depend on how we actually look and where we are in life, but our perspective on them. The tricky part, especially as I'm entering this phase where a lot of things in my life really are falling into place after years of hard work (knock on wood!), is how to address it when your perspective shifts. When things you can't control throw you a curve ball. When telling yourself that you're beautiful no matter what, gets a bit harder because of some new insecurity, big or small. When you just can't quiet the doubts that creep in, whether they're warranted or not.

Where am I going with this? Well in the spirit of being open and honest with you all, for the past two years, I've been struggling with some persistent hormonal acne, primarily along my jawline. What started out as seemingly normal breakouts around that time of the month, has now progressed into something a bit more concerning and cystic in nature. As someone who historically never really dealt with acne as a teenager, aside from the typical pimple that showed up from time to time, this has thrown me for a loop. A complete loop.

Now, you may be wondering as to why it hasn't ever really been a topic here on This Time Tomorrow, or perhaps all that noticeable in my photos. And that's the beauty of makeup coverage and strategic hair placement and me just generally shying away from closeups of my face (I get really nervous when Lydia gets too close to me with her camera). For that, I want to say that I wasn't intentionally trying to mislead anyone about my appearance. At the end of the day, I wanted my outfits to be the focus, and the fact my face happens to pop in from time to time, is just a byproduct.

In the whole scheme of things, I also realize my acne is by no means debilitating, and after many, many, many Google image searches looking for answers and explanations, I realize I'm much more on the mild to moderate side of the severity spectrum. Hence why it doesn't look all that obvious or noticeable in my photos. Does that mean my self-doubt doesn't creep in regularly? Of course not. Or that my insecurity doesn't control me sometimes? It definitely can and does - I've certainly considered visiting this dermatologist in beverly hills. Or that some self-loathing, despite my better judgement, doesn't get the best of me? Oh god, it certainly does. More than I would like to admit.

A bit dramatic? Perhaps. But isn't that the frustrating thing about insecurities? Sometimes, the things no one else really notices or cares about, are the things you blow out of proportion in our head. What used to be routine, like say, going to the coffee shop sans makeup, becomes an inner struggle of thinking everyone is staring JUST at your face. And your latest breakout.

It can be isolating to say the least -- especially when a lot of your friends (or perhaps amongst my circle of friends), aren't necessarily going through the same thing, you can really start to feel alone. I find this particularly interesting, given that, after a lot of internet research and chatting with my dermatologist at great length, this is actually a really common problem among women my age (due to a long list of hormonal factors that I'm not really qualified to write or speak about).

Now, I don't intend for this post to turn into a complete skin care routine write up as I'm still very much in the stages of sorting out possible causes and treatments, including but not limited to diet changes and a prescribed medication from my dermatologist. (That said, if you would find it helpful if I documented this experience here, please do let me know in the comments below!) Instead, I want this post to help anyone who's struggling with a self-image problem of their own, be it acne or not, to know that you're not alone. And despite how difficult it might get to remind yourself at the end of the day, it really is true: you are enough. You are. You are more than enough. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And especially don't let yourself tell you otherwise. If you are struggling with self-image issues, don't worry - there are lots of things you can do to fix these! For example, if you're conscious about acne or wrinkles, visit a dermatologist on the upper east side (or one local to you.) Or if you're self conscious about your weight, why not visit a personal trainer? There are always other options!

Easier said than done, of course. Especially in an age of over-sharing and over-editing, when you can easily compare yourself to this person or that celebrity -- trust me, I get it. And in some ways, I feed into it -- it's the nature of this world I work in. Guilty as charged. But just as that saying goes, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," you gotta be kind to yourself first. You owe that to YOU.

And in the spirit of self-love, I've partnered with my favorite facial oil, Biossance, to help celebrate their latest product launch, The Nourisher. As someone with, oddly enough, very dry skin despite my recent onslaught of breakouts, I've toyed with the idea of facial oils off and on the past few years, afraid it would just add too much "oil" to my already seemingly "oily" face. I've now fully incorporated them into my evening routine at the recommendation of my dermatologist, who has me on several cleansers and creams that are extremely drying on the skin to help combat my acne. One of these creams is a CBD cream which I decided to try after my friend sent me this CBDistillery Coupon Code, although I've found that this one doesn't dry my skin out like the others. It would make sense that CBD is helping clear up my skin, as it is a cannabinoid from the cannabis plant, which has evidence to prove that it greatly helps clear up acne. Many prefer to actually smoke marijuana strains, like blue god, instead of using CBD products. It's completely up to you how you choose to treat your acne/skin issues, but ensure that it is having a positive effect on your spots and not worsening the problem. It doesn't help that winter is in full swing here in NYC and my skin has never been dryer. Never. It's been extremely uncomfortable and unsettling -- almost to the point that I've noticed my skin becoming a bit dull and less firm than I'm used to, particularly on my lower jawline and neck, where a lot of recent breakouts have been occurring. I'm trusting in the process that my dermatologist has outlined for me (and urge you to consult yours first before you start subscribing to this routine for your skin), but have relished in the fact I can lather on just a few drops of a gentle facial oil like Biossance's Nourisher combined with a gentle moisturizer like CereVe, and start to feel my old skin texture again, despite the necessary skin peeling from my cleansing routine.

If you'd like to share your own self-love story, Biossance is hosting a giveaway over on their Instagram account. Simply upload an image of your own, share your self-love journey and tag Biossance and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win a Nourisher sample.

I also want to say that this post was extremely therapeutic for me to write -- and while I'm still very much in the thick of struggling with acne, I feel immensely better for getting this off my chest. It's something that I've wanted to discuss here on This Time Tomorrow for a while now, but the timing always seemed off and I had a million excuses as to why I didn't want to openly admit this thing that I'm extremely insecure about. But when Biossance shared their latest campaign story with me -- that of self-love -- I felt it would be amiss of me to not take this opportunity to stare this thing down in the face, once and for all, especially with a product that my dermatologist and I feel is a good fit for me and my skin right now.

Of course, part of me is still afraid to hit publish -- because us silly human beings hate being vulnerable -- but I also recognize that if this reaches just one other person who might be going through something similar, than I fully believe it was worth it. And if you happen to be that one other person still reading this very long and rambling post and want to talk about it -- hit me up! I'm all ears: krystalannebick@gmail.com.

Eep. Hitting that publish button...now...

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

This post was in collaboration with Biossance. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

Top: Ellery borrowed from Plan de Ville; Pants: St. John; Shoes: Oscar de la Renta via The RealReal; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Tiffany's

February 19, 201624 Comments

flirty 30

4 minute read

Dress: Georine (borrowed); Jacket: Alexander McQueen (similar style here); Shoes: Henri Lepore Dezert; Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"; Bag: Chanel
I said it.
(Looks over shoulder to see if anyone is listening.)
There. I yelled it! And you know what? I'm fucking pumped about it.
Am I surprised to say that I'm pumped? I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'm a tiny bit surprised. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems when anyone brings up the idea of turning 30, a few phrases get thrown at you. "Now you're an adult!" or "Time to get serious." or my personal favorite, "30 is the new 20." Almost as if the past 10 years were a test run -- a practice round. 
I'd like to officially go on the record to say, I sure as hell hope my 30s are nothing like my 20s. Not that I didn't enjoy my 20s (as you'll soon see in the bulk of this post, I loved my 20s), but because I've been there! I've done that. I've challenged myself in ways I never thought possible during my 20s and I don't want to look at this next decade as a repeat by any means. I want it to represent the uncharted. The frightening. The different. The new. The untamed. The fucking weird. And the fucking beautiful.
At this point, I would apologize for the swearing, but my soon to be 30-year old self doesn't want to ring in this year with an apology. She'd like to take a few shots of tequila tonight, romp around this city that she loves to the wee hours of the morning and rock and roll into the next 10 years. But before she does that, she'd like to take a moment and bid adieu to her 20s in perhaps the best way any 80s baby knows how: a montage highlight reel. 
So dim the lights. Grab the popcorn. Silence your phones (OK, you don't really have to do that last one, but you catch my drift.)
My 20s in 2 minutes or less: Lived in two big cities that I've dreamed of living in ever since I was a little girl. Started a blog on a complete and utter whim in college, only to stick with it almost 7 years later. Worked at a few start up companies that are the cause of my early grey hairs (not complaining). Later worked at arguably one of the best companies in the world to work for -- and fell in love with the culture and the people. About 5 years later, I worked up the nerve to leave said job, to take another leap of faith (but that's another blog post, for another day). 
I've fallen in love (several times). I've had my heart broken (several times). And each time I learned something new about myself and what I want in a partner. I've also learned to never settle. I've traveled to distant countries where I reveled in the differences that make this world so beautiful and varied. I've become a mom to one wonderful pup, Elvis. I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane (and landed safely). I ran my first marathon (and am looking forward to my second in a few months as a 30 year old!). I made new friends. I made some best friends. I lost some friends, too. I was reckless with my health. And then I was made painfully aware of it, for the better. I lost people I cared deeply for. And I miss their presence all the time. 
I lived in Italy for a few months. I've eaten the most amazing pizza in Torino. I've heard a symphony play in the Sydney Opera House. I've touched the Western Wall. I've looked up at the vaulted ceilings of Haghia Sophia mosque. I've looked down at Horseshoe Bend. I've driven down the coast of California in a convertible and loved every minute of the wind in my hair. I've ridden in a hot air balloon over Turkey. I've gotten lost in Yosemite. I grew the most in San Francisco. I've found my home here in New York. 
Here's to my 20s; they were a wild and crazy ride. And here's to my 30s, may they be even wilder, crazier and, with with any luck, I hope they bring the unexpected. I'm ready for it.

February 18, 20169 Comments

trapper games

2 minute read

Coat: Coach; Sweater: RACHEL Rachel Roy; Jeans: Anine Bing (sold out, similar style here); Boots: Celine; Bag: Proenza Schouler; Sunglasses: Celine 
There was a recent men's fashion week trend recap in last Sunday's New York Times that called out something called "trapper chic." The main image? Leonard DiCaprio from The Revenant. I'd be amiss if I didn't admit I felt somewhat like Leo while wearing this coat. I'd also be lying if I didn't look at some other fellow fashion week attendees with bare legs (BARE LEGS) on some of the coldest days of the year and shiver. Granted, I've been said show goer before, so no judgement from this side of the table. Just saying, I was sure happy to have a shearling coat to wrap myself up in. Also, don't you just love turtlenecks that come up to your eyes? Clearly, I do. Maybe more than I should.

February 15, 201618 Comments

well vested {marissa webb}

2 minute read

Shirt: Sea New York; Vest: Marissa Webb; Pants: 3x1; Shoes: Saint Laurent; Bag: Saint Laurent
Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday off (if you happen to have President's Day off!) and that your Valentine's Day was spent with those you care about. 
We're still in the thick of fashion week at the moment, which means I'm running on a lot of caffeine fumes and desperately layering all the winter clothes I own to stay warm. I wore this look last week for the Marissa Webb show (which in one word was: amazing) but since then, I've opted for no bare ankles, for fear of frost bite. 
Things are going to be a bit hectic around This Time Tomorrow with NYFW winding down and an exciting shoot coming up on Wednesday (more on that to come!), so follow along on SnapChat (username: krystalbick) in the meantime! Hint: the apartment is coming together! Finally!

February 11, 201616 Comments

kendall and kylie {and krystal}

2 minute read

Cardigan (worn backwards and off the shoulder): Everlane, borrowed from Heather; Skirt: Kendall and Kylie for PacSun; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine
Earlier this week, I attended the launch party for Kendall and Kylie Jenner's collection at PacSun. I love when celebrity line collections really represent the celebrity and their personality well, and I have to say, I think each piece captures K & K's youthful playfulness when it comes to style. Here are a few of my favorites (all perfect for a little mid-winter vacation perhaps!):

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February 9, 201618 Comments

museum dates {with plan de ville}

3 minute read

As much as I consider myself a social person and love making plans with my girlfriends, I also love treating myself to solo dates. Little jaunts around the city to spots or places I've been meaning to visit, to simply enjoy by myself and appreciate alone. I can go at my own pace, take detours when I want to or just simply sit in silence to take it all in, if it so pleases me. And if I want to go the extra mile, I'll even turn my phone to airplane mode, only using it to snap photos along the way. It's the perfect indulgent "me" time that truly allows me to clear my head of clutter, doubt, worry and the all around mess that accumulates from time to time. 
And my favorite solo dates? Always at museums. If you recall, as part of my 30 before 30 list (which we're nearing the end to!), I wanted to check out all the museums in New York City. Sadly, I think I fell short on this one (there are just so many museums here!), but I'm a sucker for my favorites: The MoMa, the Guggenheim, the Whitney, the Natural History Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Of course, the Met. There's just something so enchanting about the Met -- it's mazelike -- almost as if you're roaming around a large funhouse, with surprises around every corner. Naturally, there's the pure grandeur of the interior architecture alone (columns and high-vaulted ceilings for days!) that never ceases to stop me in my tracks when I walk in and look up. 
This past week, I wanted to capture some of that awe feeling I have when I walk into the Met so Lydia and I took full advantage of a snowy day here in the city to shoot inside. To throw in a little extra romance and whimsy to the story (because why not?) I donned this Ellery dress borrowed from Plan de Ville for the occasion. If you haven't checked out their selection of up and coming designers, I highly recommend that you do. 
And not to throw another recommendation at you, but if you've never been to the Met, I highly recommend you clear your schedule for a full day and head over. Maybe also go solo and treat yourself to a lunch date in their atrium cafe? Just a thought...but I think you might enjoy it. 

February 8, 201618 Comments

mad max {in marissa webb}

3 minute read

Vest: Marissa Webb, bought at her store, but I can't find it online (jacket version here); Shirt: Frank & Eileen; Jeans: J.Brand; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Saint Laurent; Sunglasses: Celine; Choker: Net-A-Porter packaging ribbon
When it comes to shooting outfits for This Time Tomorrow, I like the location to be just as much of a focal point as the outfit, if not more so sometimes (Empire State Building, anyone?). And that's mainly because I like to think of this space as my catalyst for exploring New York. It makes me see the city through different eyes and experience it in a way that's more than just passing through another neighborhood. In a way, I take a piece of it with me. 
While this location I may not have given a second thought to, I'm really glad Lydia insisted we shoot here. It's part of the NYU campus, just a block off Washington Square Park, and while nothing about it screams "New York!" to me, we both were really digging the Mad Max vibes it was giving off -- structural and rough around the edges -- a little slice of a post-apocalyptic world, right there at the corner of the park. Granted, I'm no Charlize Theron and I definitely didn't have Tom Hardy by my side (unfortunately!), but I have to admit, it did give a certain brazen edge to my outfit that I think was warranted. 
That said, if there are ever locations in New York (or elsewhere for that matter, in the US or abroad), that you think I should check out for a shoot, please do let me know! Send me an email (krystalannebick@gmail.com) with the subject line "Shoot Locations" and I'd love to check them out.

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February 3, 201631 Comments

xoxo {with love, from the realreal}

3 minute read

Scene: It's 1995, a gas station in Los Angeles.
Thief: Give me your phone. [holds gun to woman's head]
Cher: [hands cell phone over to thief]
Thief: OK, now get down on the ground.
Cher: Oh no, [as she unbuttons her feather trimmed coat to show thief her dress] this is an Alaïa
Thief: [with a bewildered look o his face, now scanning the parking lot to see if anyone is looking at them] It's an A-whata?
Cher: [now rolling her eyes, emphasizing each word] It's like, a totally important designer.
Thief: And I will totally shoot you in the head. [cocking gun]
Cher: [groans and gets down on the ground]
And ever since then (probably much like other girls born between 1980 and 1986 who were obsessed with Clueless) I've pretty much wanted an Alaïa dress. Not so much for the "please rob me" appeal (God forbid), but more so for the timeless sexiness of each piece. So when my go-to designer consignment site, The RealReal asked me to style a look for my "dream Valentine's Day date" I immediately started stalking all the Alaïa dresses I could find on site. I like to think this particular one that I snagged would be perfect for a night of dinner, drinks and plenty of dancing (the twirl appeal is undeniable!). 
As for my dream Valentine's Day date? Let's just say if both Stephen Colbert and Tom Hardy asked me out on February 14th, would I panic about the double booking and say no? As if! Luckily, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday, so there's always February 13th as well. 😉
Enough of my rambling though, here are a few other Alaïa favorites, all available via The RealReal now. Which would you wear and who would be your dream Valentine's Day date? 
PS: Head over to The RealReal today to find out how you can win a luxury item of your choosing just by obsessing items on their site. More details can be found here
This post was in collaboration with The RealReal. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

February 2, 201618 Comments

zimmermann sale favorites

1 minute

Blazer: Zara (old, similar style here); Shirt: Zimmermann (on sale now!); Jeans: J.Brand; Boots: Aldo; Bag: Sophie Hulme via Otte (c/o); Necklace: Net-A-Porter ribbon; Watch: Daniel Wellington; Sunglasses: Celine
Guys, do yourself a favor and : 1. take an extra long lunch break today 2. kick your heels up and 3. shop the Zimmermann sale section. It's. Just. Too. Good.
Here are some of my favorites...including this top I'm sporting here (which I think could look cute layered with a turtleneck underneath it at some point this winter).

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January 28, 201619 Comments

pins and needles

2 minute read

Jacket: Coach (borrowed, on sale now); Sweater: Coach (borrowed, on sale now); Jeans: DL 1961; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Clutch: Coach (sold out); Sunglasses: Ray-Ban; Scarf: Coach (borrowed)
Yep. Months later and I'm still obsessed with this jacket. Sadly, it was borrowed. For an event back in September (eep, this photos are OLD -- no snow, I was still tan and my hair was lighter!). Good news? The jacket is on sale still. Snag it here. 
Go ahead. Make Danny Zuko proud. You know you want to.

January 27, 201616 Comments

i’ll have what she’s having {sweater weather}

2 minute read

Sweater: Coach; Skirt: Coach; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Scarf: Coach; Clutch: Coach (sold out); Sunglasses: Celine
If there's anything you need to know about San Franciscans, they love their sweaters. Sweaters and leather jackets, that is. But sweaters are probably their first love. Which is why this former West Coaster is happy to report her sweater game is still going strong out here on the East Coast (I originally thought I might just be living in a down jacket around the clock, but man, the heating in most buildings is nothing short of the Bahamas). 
With that said, I'm doing a midseason stock up with the sales in full swing still. Main things I'm on the hunt for? Fringe-y (word?) chunky knits and turtlenecks. But come to think of it, I'm always on the hunt for turtlenecks, much to many a date's chagrin. (Sorry fellas, not sorry!)
Here are 30 knits, all on sale, that I have my eye on...one of which, happens to be the Coach sweater I'm wearing here (shot back in September that I recently rediscovered when I was going through old photo files!). 

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January 25, 201620 Comments


2 minute read

Coat: Zady; Sweater: Kenzo; Jeans: JBrand; Boots: Sorel; Bag: Strathberry; Sunglasses: Celine; Hat: Gap
So for all my New Yorkers (and East Coasters in general), how did you survive Jonas? I, for one, indulged in some new lingerie and sweatpants (a good combo when you don't control your building heat), caught up on my face mask routine and binged on season one of Narcos. There also may have been an adventure outside at one point to dinner, where 7th Avenue was literally a ghost town -- no cars out and just a few pom pom beanie clad folks, traipsing through the swirling snow.
As much as the cold put a damper on my recently acquired Cabo tan, I have to say, I'm a fan of cozy winter days just like that. They give you the perfect excuse to hole up inside, light some candles and do you. Whatever that entails. 

January 22, 201615 Comments

winter chocolate {arrojo tribeca}

3 minute read

Dress: Self Portrait (similar style here); Coat: Zimmermann; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine
Those who are close to me, know that I tend to be a creature of habit when it comes to my hair. If I find something that works, I tend to stick with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
While that makes it somewhat easy to get ready in the morning (I have my curling routine down to a science), it does mean that I don't experiment all that much with color. Because, in all honesty, it scares me a little. My hair is pretty dark to begin with and naturally dry -- all of which seems to make for a recipe for disaster. On top of that, no matter how many photos I bring in of Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman, I never seem to achieve the same effect (cue heavy, #firstworldproblem sigh here). 
If you recall, this past summer marked my first foray into highlights and while it took a second appointment to tone down the brass factor, I loved how they looked for a hot summer in the city look
And then I got distracted. Life happened. And it all grew out. And the brass factor came back. Strong. So I called Arrojo and squeezed in a little appointment at their new Tribeca location
That's where I met Gina and Kayla. Gina, being the mastermind behind the rich winter chocolate color you see here (she used a glaze -- or in her words, 'lipgloss for your hair.') And Kayla, being the mastermind behind my long overdue trim -- but not chop -- as she was sensitive to the fact I was still growing out my locks from my bob of yesteryear. Both ladies were patient, detail oriented and we all bonded over our shared obsession with "Making a Murderer." 
All in all, I love how the total look came together and feel much more winter ready because of it. Huge thanks to Arrojo for updating this gal's dreary locks -- she'll definitely be back soon.

January 21, 201618 Comments

saturdays {on a thursday}

< 1 minute

Coat: MM. LaFleur; Sweater: Everlane; Jeans: DL 1961; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Scarf: Isabel Marant (similar style here); Bag: Strathberry; Sunglasses: Celine

January 20, 201613 Comments

surely shearling

2 minute read

Coat: Coach; Jeans: DL 1961; Sweater: Everlane; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Sunglasses: Celine; Scarf: McQueen
Currently building out my collection of fuzzy, fur lined, shearling trimmed, perfectly undone coats. And I have to say, this recent Coach addition, is a fast favorite among the troops. So. Freakin'. Warm. And at this time of year, that makes me So. Freakin'. Happy.

January 19, 201616 Comments

only living boy in new york

2 minute read

Coat: Zimmermann; Dress: Urban Outfitters (old, but similar style here); Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine
Sometimes, if you plan it just right and you set enough early alarms, you can catch New York just as it's waking up. Before the crowds swarm the streets. Before the New York Times gets fully dropped off at most subway newspaper vendors. Before the steps of the New York Public Library get claimed by photographers and school children and tourists alike. 
And for about 30 minutes or so, it's just you, the Sunday Times and the steady rumble of the subway underfoot. You! The only kid with the whole playground to yourself.

January 18, 201616 Comments

a weekend well spent

2 minute read

Coat Zady; Sweater: Everlane; Jeans: True Religion; Scarf: Gap; Shoes: Saint Laurent; Bag: Mansur Gavriel; Sunglasses: Celine
Highlights of the long weekend (that isn't over just yet)? Seeing my first opera here in New York (Turandot), finally checking out the Brooklyn Flea for a little furniture shopping (and instead got distracted by rugs), took Elvis on his first snowy walk (the jury is out still as to whether he likes snow or not) and watching the final Democratic Debate before the Iowa caucuses just around the corner (with some Chinese food in tow).
How was your long weekend?

January 15, 201619 Comments

grand central

2 minute read

Coat: Zimmermann (still on sale!); Dress: French Connection (similar style here); Jeans: DL 1961; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Beanie: Jennifer Behr; Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Chanel
So after all that coat talk yesterday? I have two new additions to show, thanks to the online sale gods being kind to me. The first is this gray beauty by Zimmermann that I allude to yesterday. I don't own anything quite this long (and granted, it looked much shorter on the model, but alas, I'm not 5'11"),  but I have to say, it does make you carry yourself a bit straighter and more upright. No slouching allowed, here! Plus, it has just that right amount of cinematic magic to it -- almost fitting for a leading lady, as she hops off to catch her train out of town, leaving some starry-eyed lover behind. 
OK, I digress.
The second coat? Is this rugged specimen from Coach. I've had a soft spot for pretty much all of Coach's outwear this season (remember this pinned beaut?), so when I saw this guy was heavily discounted, I took the plunge. And guys, I'm not kidding when I say, it doesn't matter how cold it is outside, I start to sweat when I have this one on. And something tells me I'm gonna need that extra perspiration come February.
Did you catch my sale round up yesterday? There's 27 other coats on sale that I'm just dying for at the moment, if only I had, oh, I don't know, 5 other closets to store them.

January 14, 201611 Comments

i’ll have what she’s having {27 must-have coats on sale now}

2 minute read

See the original posts here: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8
I recently popped into the Zimmermann boutique in SoHo a few weekends back and spotted a coat. Actually, not just any coat. A serious coat. Almost floor length. Light gray. Gold buttons. Wool. The perfect lapels. Just the right amount of structure but also good movement when worn. And so warm.
Oh, and also on sale.
After a little persuasive coaxing from the shop girls, I walked out with said coat. Well, more like I wore it, since it was just too long to fit into a regular shopping bag, but that's besides the point. The actual point here is that, after all my years in San Francisco, I seem to have forgotten that this happens to be the perfect time of year to stock up on your winter coats -- because they're all practically on sale! 
So along with a little archive inspiration from winters of yesteryear here on This Time Tomorrow, I rounded up 27 of my favorite coats that are all on sale right now, that I wouldn't mind popping into my closet tomorrow. Happy shopping!

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January 13, 201617 Comments

three zero

2 minute read

So folks, I'm a little over a month away from my 30th birthday and I'm currently contemplating what the heck it is that I want to do for the big day. I've had several close friends ask me if I want a party, an all night dance-a-thon, or maybe even a little getaway trip. And while I would find it hard to turn down a penthouse suite if it landed in my lap (alongside the winning ticket for today's $1.4 billion PowerBall lottery), I would much rather find myself at an intimate, cozy dinner with my nearest and dearest friends, a small enough group where no one has to yell to be heard and where I can easily make eye contact with everyone at the table. Oh, and some AMAZING food, wouldn't hurt either. This is where I need your help, New Yorkers, do you have any restaurant recs for me? Right now, I'm working off this list, but I'm open to suggestions!
And for all my 30 and above crowd -- how did you celebrate the day?

January 12, 201618 Comments

flatiron mornings

2 minute read

Coat: MM. LaFleur (sold out, but similar style here); Sweater: Abercrombie & Fitch (similar here and here); Jeans: DL 1961; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Strathberry; Sunglasses: Celine; Beanie: Abercrombie & Fitch (similar style here) Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"
Don't you just love photos that almost carry a soundtrack with them? Perhaps it's just me, but these shots that Lydia captured the other day at one of my all-time favorite buildings, the Flatiron Building, seem to resonate with honking sounds, street vendors yelling out prices for mixed nuts and the low, hungry rumble of the subway rolling by underfoot. 
New York, you sure know how to woo me, even if it's just the with the hustle and bustle of 23rd and Broadway.

January 8, 201620 Comments

friday beats

2 minute read

Top and skirt (both on sale now!): Jonathan Simkhai (borrowed); Shoes: Steve Madden; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"; Bracelet: Miansai; Coat: Zara
Congrats, we all survived the week post-holidays with hopefully fewer bumps and bruises than expected. As a congratulatory reward, let's get some new tunes pumping for our commutes today. Sing, dance, let your hair down. It's Friday, y'all. 

PS: The first song here by Grace Potter has been my secret weapon this week. So damn good.

January 7, 201618 Comments

i pledge allegiance

2 minute read

Top (similar here) and skirt (similar here): Jonathan Simkhai (borrowed); Shoes: Dior (similar style here); Bag: Saint Laurent (someone needs to get this version ASAP!); Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
So I have one question for you...who's ready for Iowa? 😉

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January 6, 201628 Comments

lady in red

2 minute read

Dress: Self Portrait; Heels: Kate Spade; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Necklace: Yvel
I was torn between making an Chris de Burgh reference here or a nod to Minnie Mouse. Chris won the title, but I'd be lying if I didn't think Minnie would approve of this outfit when I wore it out for New Year's Eve last Friday. Sure, it leans more into Christmas-y territory, but I couldn't have asked for a better "come hither at midnight" dress than this one. Added bonus? It lasted for multiple rounds of karaoke, where Heather and I shut it down for "Gangsta's Paradise."
 2016, I'm ready for ya.

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January 4, 201618 Comments

woody & diane

2 minute read

Dress: Sonia H (c/o); Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Coat: French Connection; Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Chanel; Watch: Movado
One of my all-time favorite films set in New York City is Woody Allen's 1979 "Manhattan." His dry, self-deprecating humor has never been more on point. Diane Keaton is as bitingly intelligent as she is beautiful. And this scene at Sutton Square and Sutton Place overlooking the Queensboro Bridge gets me every time, with "Someone to Watch Over Me" playing softly in the background.
It's what perfect nights in New York are made of.

January 1, 201617 Comments

the 15 of 2015

3 minute read

And in no particular order, I give you some of my favorite photos of 2015, 15 to be exact, each one representing a cherished moment from this past year. And after reviewing these together, I've noticed a few things are pretty certain: First, I love a good twirl moment. Second, my hair has gotten so long! Third, 2015 was all about location for me and New York definitely has some of the best backdrops around. And lastly, I love any and every excuse to dress up. But who doesn't, really?
What are some of your favorites from this past year? Any that I missed?

December 25, 201513 Comments

christmas at rockefeller center

2 minute read

Jacket: Mooseknuckles; Shirt: Frank & Eileen; Jeans: DL 1961; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Sunglasses: Celine
Short and sweet today -- hope you all have a merry little Christmas, loves!

December 24, 20156 Comments

breakfast at bergdorf’s

2 minute read

Coat: MM. LaFleur; Dress: French Connection; Shirt: French Connection; Boots: Celine; Choker: Net-A-Porter packaging ribbon; Bag: Chanel; Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"; Lotion: Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Fragrance Free
Since we're sharing our favorite holiday traditions this week, I wanted to continue my winter adventure series with Vaseline along for another Christmastime treat: the department store window displays.
You've heard me say it before, but when it comes to Christmas in New York, there's only one way to describe it and that's magic. Especially when strolling anywhere along 5th Avenue near The Plaza Hotel and all of the department stores with their elaborate window displays. This year, I opted to skip the heavy nighttime crowds and headed to Bergdorf's with Lydia around 9am. It was quiet and peaceful -- like being alone in a really pretty toy store.
Have you checked out the window displays this year? Which ones are your favorites? (I especially loved the amethyst window at Bergdorf's -- mainly because it's my birthstone!)
Merry Christmas Eve! 

This post was in collaboration with Vaseline. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 23, 201513 Comments

an evening at the nutcracker {with whbm}

4 minute read

On Krystal: Dress: White House Black Market; Shoes: Kate Spade; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"
On Heather: Dress: White House Black Market; Shoes: Nine West (similar style here); Belt: Celine (vintage); Bag: Vintage; Bracelet: Miansai
If you remember from our San Francisco days, Heather and I love a night out. And when one of your best girlfriends happens to love trying new restaurants and heading to the theater as much as you do, then you definitely make a tradition out of it.
She and I have covered a lot of ground when it comes to Broadway shows here in the city, but now that she officially lives here in NYC (insert excited fist pump here), we've been looking for new seasonal traditions we can start together. And with one of the most magical seasons here in the city already upon us, we had our sights set on The Nutcracker.
While I've seen the performance many times growing up, I've never had the pleasure of seeing it here in New York and especially not by the New York City Ballet Company, and definitely not at Lincoln Center, which has to be one of my favorite places to visit at night, when it's twinkling and alive. Folks bustling in and out in their theater finest, furs and wool coats bundling them from the wind, as the promise of art and culture and music awaits them.
As for the performance itself, it was just as magical as I remembered it. From the Sugar Plum Fairies to the Nutcracker's defeat of the Rat King, I literally couldn't stop grinning the entire time. The minute the lights dimmed, I could feel myself getting giddy, as the orchestra came to life. There's something to be said about feeling like a kid again from time to time (or as often as you can get away with it, if you ask me!). Plus, it was extra special seeing families of all ages enjoying the evening as well, with so many kids dressed up in their Sunday best.
As for our Sunday best? Well Heather and I also don't mess around when we're stepping out on the town. An evening like this called for a little black tie somethin' somethin' -- her in a dramatic, just the right amount of hugging gown and me, in a twirl-worthy, Hepburn number -- both by White House Black Market.
And in case you're still scrambling for gifts today (like me) make sure to check out White House Black Market's gift guide this season -- a little bit of everything for the important women in your life! Or perhaps you're still looking for a New Year's Eve dress, in which case I think this little frock needs to see midnight soon on someone!
This post was in collaboration with White House Black Market. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 


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