December 22, 201513 Comments

those new york moments

4 minute read
Coat: French Connection; Turtleneck: Ted Baker; Jeans: DL 1961; Beanie: Jennifer Behr; Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Saint Laurent; Boots: Stuart Weitzman
Alright, remember all that celebrating we were doing just a few weeks ago, amazed at how warm it was in New York (and hence our love/hate relationship with global warming continues)? Well, it officially feels like winter now. Big coats are coming out. I'm stocking up on an unhealthy amount of tights. And those dreaded double door entries are finally up to prevent you from being that "jerk" that dared to open the front door of the restaurant and let a nasty draft in.
But you know what? I'm excited! I mean, yes. I'm well aware I'm probably going to regret that previous statement come February and March, but for right now, winter carries a lot of promise. The promise of Christmas magic, the promise of tighter embraces from loved ones, the promise of your breath hovering over your conversation like thick, dancing fog.
And there's no place I'd rather be to take it all in than Central Park. Especially if ice skating happens to be involved. I headed out earlier last week for my first skate of the season in the park and was greeted by holiday crowds of families and friends, laughing, twirling and yes, falling (yours truly included!). It made me think of that scene in Serendipity where Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack (swoon!) head out for a late night ice skating session when they first meet, albeit they headed to Rockefeller Center, but that's beside the point. They were talking about their favorite New York moments and Cusack (swoon, again) mentioned (in regards to their date), "This one sure is climbing the charts."
While I didn't have a Cusack with me (last swoon, I promise), I did enjoy a quintessential New York afternoon in the park, one of those that seemed straight out of a movie. A brisk walk from The Plaza, laughing with friends and possibly chasing Big Bird (true story).
And with the spirit of the season meaning we're inevitably going to be bearing the elements (as much as we don't want to sometimes), I'm stepping up my winter skin care prep. I didn't realize how serious New Yorkers get about this, but trust me, they're neither kidding nor messing around. After just a few days of bitter, biting winds, my hands have taken a beating and started to crack. I've since started lathering myself with Vaseline's Intensive Care Advanced Repair Fragrance Free right after I get out of the shower and pat dry it in to really let it absorb. I'll then throw it in my bag (along with a pair of flats) before I head out for the day, in case I need little pick me ups from time to time.
So when my Cusack does come along, I'll have soft hands for him to hold. 😉 But I won't make him track down my phone number in some obscure book that I sold to a used book store. Kate, seriously?! What were you thinking?
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This post was in collaboration with Vaseline. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 21, 201518 Comments

7 habits that have made me a {slightly more} effective person

7 minute read
Jacket: Alexander McQueen (similar style here); Dress: French Connection (recently picked up in store, not online, but similar style here); Boots: Celine; Bag: Mansur Gavriel; Sunglasses: Celine
When I was much younger, I had several stints working at my dad's law firm. I would answer phones, file legal documents and well, if we're being super honest, do my homework (but hey, he couldn't really get upset with me for that!). During that time, I recall answering the phones having to say, "Good morning, Bick Law Offices..." and feeling a sense of ownership almost, like it could actually by my law office, too someday. The only difference being, now I have a lot more technical experience (that comes with having your own blog too). I would often think about how I could take the firm to new heights and develop new plans and strategies to create business awareness and try and generate new leads and customers. Knowing what I know now, I wish I could have been able to steer my father in the right direction in doing some of the same, such as having a better website built for him, and just overall create better marketing strategies for the future. I'm not saying I would have been able to do this for him solely on my own, but like I said, I'd be able to steer him to the likes of or other websites that offer law firm marketing services so he'd be able to gain some more online recognition, because after all - business is digital now, no matter what business!
Much to my dad's chagrin (or perhaps joy?), the law school pipe dream never panned out. But that didn't stop me from cooking up other ways to start my own business, which is where This Time Tomorrow comes in. I remember starting this blog years ago on a whim, namely because I was bored one afternoon and had The Kinks song "This Time Tomorrow" stuck in my head. But also because I love to write. And take photos. And connect over stories. The sheer fact I can make a small business out of that is incredibly exciting and yet humbling -- it's come with it's own fair share of difficulties, obstacles and challenges.
It should be noted: I, by no means have it all figured out, especially when it comes to juggling full-time jobs. But, after more than my fair share of trial and error, I've developed a few go-to tricks to manage my time and my business efficiently. Whether you blog as well or are thinking about taking the general leap into entrepreneurship yourself or perhaps you're balancing a full-time job with side passion projects, hopefully there's a little bit of wisdom here in my rambling...
1. Google Docs, baby: I literally live in Google Docs, which I can blame on working at Google for years, but in all honesty, it's kept me sane and organized, so I'm not complaining. The key is figuring out a system that works for you and sticking to it.
My main Google Doc that I work out of (a meaty little spreadsheet), has multiple tabs in it: one for pending projects, with deadlines, contact emails, status update nodes and SOW PDFs. In another tab, I have my monthly editorial calendar flushed out, with deliverables and published content noted for each day, with shoots that I have set up with Lydia noted, with buffer time noted for her turnaround time. And in another tab, I keep a running list of all story ideas from recent brainstorms, organized by vertical: beauty, travel, style and lifestyle, with shoot locations associated with each. Lastly, the most time-sensitive one, is my invoices tab, with all outgoing pending invoices, the date sent, the noted turnaround time for payment and the date payment is received.
It all might sound a little OCD, but I do love being able to go back through just one hub to easily find all the project details I need. In short, there's nothing I hate more than having to dig through long, cluttered email threads to find that one #hashtag or deadline.
2. Square Cash: Recenty, I've been on a mission to improve my finances. I opened a savings account, have been looking to buy mtn shares, and have been looking to improve the way I run the financial side of my freelance business. And since we're on the topic of invoices and making that cheddar, let's talk about how to go about getting paid. As someone who's exhausted all mobile payment methods, I've been really pleased with Square Cash namely because it deposits directly to your bank account (without that additional step of transferring money over from your balance yourself). I've been relying pretty heavily on this to pay my photographers directly and have even started invoicing clients/brands this way. Plus, I really appreciate good, intuitive UX design and Square Cash, I think you've nailed it.
3. Podcasts: While I love a good playlist to make me super productive during heads down time at my computer, I'm a junkie for podcasts, especially ones known for their storytelling, which I think is a great writing inspiration source. I find that the blogs I tend to gravitate toward as a reader, I can relate to their writing on a personal level, almost as if I'm sitting there next to them at a cafe, just as a friend would. Podcasts like Serial or The Moth remind me that the key to good storytelling and understanding your audience, isn't necessarily to impress them with how well you can string a sentence together. It's more about finding the humanity in everything and making it real. Making it raw. And making it relevant. Easier said than done, of course, but I find that these podcasts have helped me hone my storytelling abilities over the years.
4. Lists: I love lists. Lists. Lists. Lists. If there's one fool-proof way to get me to remember something, it's to write it down. I picked this up during my time working at several newspapers and magazines a few years ago, where I'd write down quotes or facts about a story I was working on. I was never without a notepad and pen. And not much has changed today. I'll write down excerpts from books that I like, names of songs that I hear when I'm out and about, intersection cross streets for possible shoot locations. You get the picture.

5. Meeting agendas: This is something Google has taught me -- if you really want to get the most out of everyone involved in a meeting, send out a detailed agenda and ideal takeaways/outcomes at least a full day before hand. That way, you set expectations accordingly, you give everyone a chance to prepare and hit the ground running once you start the meeting and there's a common end goal that everyone can agree on. It may sound like a lot of structure, but I've noticed even sending it out before meetings with some photographers or brands, it's helped keep our 30 minute time slot on task, with solid action items at the end.
6. Quarterly goals: Alas, another trait I've picked up at a large tech company. In short, we all make yearly goals, especially around this time of year with 2016 around the corner. But I love making quarterly goals, which I've done at all my teams at Google. As long as you have a big picture goal, making shorter team, quantifiable targets, you can start etching away and immediately see progress. This can range from the personal (like finally signing up for those piano lessons) to more business driven (like increasing social channel engagement by X%) -- as long as you have specific projects that funnel up to these goals, you have your work cut out for you. Just be realistic with yourself and what you can reasonably take on -- and add a tiny bit on top of that. If it doesn't make you slightly uncomfortably excited, you should set a bigger goal!
7. Extracurricular reading: I know what you're thinking, how does adding additional reading help give me time back? Personally, I know when I do a little morning and evening reading for just me and no one else, I feel much more balanced and ready to tackle the day. In the morning, around 6am (after a quick glance through email to make sure there are no fires), I'll sit down with coffee and read through the following: top CNN stories, the op-eds in The New York Times and my Skimm newsletter. In the evening, I try to have two books that I'll rotate through at the same time. One for pleasure and one for personal growth/business savvy. Currently on my nightstand, I have Miranda July's The First Bad Man for the former and Phil Barden's Decoded for the latter.
What are some of your habits that you've found make you more effective? Do share!
Photos by Lydia Hudgens

This post was in partnership with Square Cash. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 14, 201514 Comments

a long december

2 minute read
Sweater, coat, beanie: Abercrombie; Jeans: DL 1961; Boots: Isabel Marant (from a few seasons ago, dying over this lower pair); Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Chanel; Blanket: Abercrombie
Give me a snuggly duffle coat, a pom pom beanie and a good book in Central Park and I'm a very happy girl. 
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

This post was in collaboration with Abercrombie & Fitch. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 11, 201514 Comments

crosswalk games

2 minute read
Coat, shirt, faux fur collar and jeans: French Connection; Shoes: Saint Laurent (dying over this pair!); Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine
I remember when I was just starting to look for an apartment here in NYC back in March. It was freezing, there was plenty of ice to had at every street corner and my broker and I covered a lot of ground, stomping through the West Village. 
One particular afternoon, Carlos, was taking me to what would eventually be my future apartment and we happened to be crossing 7th Avenue. The crosswalk sign said to not cross. I looked left. I looked right. And then I looked left again. And I crossed, since traffic was clear. 
Mid-sentence, Carlos, hurried to catch up with me, as he was still standing at the corner and said, "I think you're going to fit in just fine here in New York."
And I think about that every time I see swarms of folks crossing the street, often in between cabs passing through the intersection. And it makes me smile.
Happy weekend, everyone! 
PS: If you're ever in need of a broker here in the city, Carlos Santos is your man! 

December 10, 201523 Comments

that’s so her

2 minute read
Dress and shoes: Kate Spade; Jacket: French Connection; Clutch: Kate Spade; Sunglasses: Celine; Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"
While I'm a notorious last minute gift shopper, I absolutely love picking out gifts for my girlfriends. There's something about hunting around for a little collection of trinkets that remind me of them and memories that we've had together throughout the year. Something that tells a little story about them and us as friends. Something that makes you think, "that's so her!"
So naturally, when I discovered Kate Spade's gift guide this season, I was absolutely thrilled. Each little set is customizable and captures pretty much every one of your girlfriends on your list. The foodie. The jet setter. The beauty buff. Or in this case, with the set I picked out, the gal who's always ready for tea catch ups and happy hour drinks. (Heather, I'm looking at you, here!) 
Have you checked out their gift sets yet? Which ones would you scoop up for your girlfriends? 

This post was in collaboration with Kate Spade. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 9, 201517 Comments

toast the season {join me at french connection}

2 minute read
Shirt, pants and boots: French Connection; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine; Necklace: Ribbon from Net-A-Porter packaging 
Calling all New Yorkers. What are you doing this Thursday evening? Cancel that Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/The League/Happn/random cute guy in the coffee line date (actually, don't cancel that last one!) and join me and the French Connection team for a little holiday shopping fun. Festivities kick off at 6pm and last until 8:30 -- just make sure to RSVP to and mention my name once you submit. Plus, those who RSVP and attend the event, will be automatically entered to win a $500 shopping spree (which gives you plenty of wiggle room to pick up a little something for those on your list and a little something for yourself!). Added bonus, everything in store will be 40% off during the event.
Hope to see you there! Unless of course you have that aforementioned date with the cute guy from the coffee line. In which case, girlfriend, you should go and let us all know how it went. 
This post was in collaboration with French Connection. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 8, 201513 Comments


2 minute read
Turtleneck: Ted Baker; Dress: Jonathan Simkhai (borrowed, similar style here); Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Bracelet: Miansai
Don't put your summer dresses away just yet. Throw a turtleneck underneath. And maybe with some over the knee boots (for now, we can still get away sans tights because New York has decided to be unseasonably warm, hence my love/hate relationship with global warming continues).
Tangents aside, here are a few little dresses that could use a turtleneck layer for good measure...

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December 3, 201524 Comments

no sleep ’till brooklyn

2 minute read
Something about shooting these photos the other day in this unbelievable Parker dress on one of my all-time favorite bridges made me feel like Cinderella. Except you better believe I would have argued for a later curfew than midnight (because you'd only just be finishing dinner at that time) and I would totally have one of the mice bring me my Converse sneakers (much easier to run from that Prince Charming/Tinder date that way).
And if you're in the market for some show stopping holiday gowns, step right this way...

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December 2, 20158 Comments

superstart {with elizabeth arden}

4 minute read
Sweater: Everlane (from last year, similar style here); Dress: Tibi; Boots: Aldo; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine
As I slowly but surely start to close the last chapter of my 20s and approach my 30s, I have to admit, everyone was right. There's no need to fear 30. In fact, in just my 29th year alone, I'm feeling much more confident, excited and self-assured than I've ever been, so if that's any indication of how my 30s will be sailing, then I say bring it on.
A lot of this has to do with hitting major career strides, learning more about myself and testing my limits -- and overall, feeling much more comfortable in my skin, inside and out. So when the folks over at Elizabeth Arden and Vanity Fair invited me to try out Elizabeth Arden's latest product, SUPERSTART Skin Renewal booster, I was intrigued. Granted, the 29-year old in me is balking at the idea of having to start thinking about anything related to anti-aging. But then the almost 30 year old in me is realizing that perhaps that's the key -- preventative steps for generally healthy skin.
We've talked about skin here on This Time Tomorrow and I'm only now after 29 years, starting to realize just how sensitive my skin really is. To weather changes. To pollution. To makeup. To my diet. And it's something I'm still struggling with to this day, but I'm making mindful strides in this area. It is safe to say I have picked up a fair few secret tips and skin hacks in my time. That said, I've been looking for approaches that help start at the source of healthy skin, like drinking tons of water throughout the day, regular exercise, vitamin rich foods (and skimping on the hormone-heavy ones), and stepping up my skincare regimen with products that really add value and serve a purpose.
Which is where SUPERSTART comes in.
I had a chance to chat with some of the folks at Elizabeth Arden last week at a breakfast Vanity Fair hosted at their gorgeous offices at One World Trade Center. Up until this point, I had been using SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster for about a week prior, and was generally pleased with the results so far, but overall, was uncertain what role this product would be playing in my new approach to "intentional skincare."
As it turns out, a lot of our skincare products focus on deeper layers, targeting past the surface layer to get more to the root of skin issues, i.e. wrinkles, fine lines, acne etc. What happens, as a result, is we ignore this first layer of skin -- the epidermis -- which takes the largest beating to all the elements we put it up against. If this outer layer is damaged, it makes it really difficult for any other products you're using to really penetrate the skin. SUPERSTART focuses solely on this surface layer, rejuvenating it so it can be the best receptor for everything else you layer on top as part of your skincare routine.
Around this time, this is when I started chatting with SunHee Grinnell, Beauty Director at Vanity Fair. And let me tell you. If you had a chance to see this woman's skin, you'd be begging for her skincare secrets, just like I was about 5 minutes in. She only alluded to her age once, to which I said there was absolutely no way that was true, and we then agreed to take the challenge together. Four weeks of using Elizabeth Arden's SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster as our first skincare step morning and evening, followed shortly after with Elizabeth Arden's PREVAGE Anti-Aging Serum as a one, two punch.
About a week and half in, and so far so good! I've already noticed my moisturizer is actually absorbing much better, instead of pilling like it sometimes likes to do.
Only time will tell -- stay tuned! I'm curious though, have any of you tried Elizabeth Arden's SUPERSTART Skin Renewal Booster yet? What did you think?
This post was in collaboration with Elizabeth Arden and Vanity Fair. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations!

December 1, 201513 Comments

empire state of mind

3 minute read
Dress: Lanvin via The RealReal; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai; Earings: Yvel (similar style here); Lips: Marc Jacobs "Amazing"
One of my favorite books of all time would have to be The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, but the trouble is, I always struggle answering with one single reason as to why it's my favorite. Mainly because Rand's ability to both create larger than life characters and personify inanimate objects like a building or a city usually leave me breathless. It's perfect. But it's hard to pinpoint. It's both romantic drama/fiction and philosophical essay.
In a short and rudimentary summary, the book follows an up and coming architect named Howard Roark, whose talent is unrivaled but is met by a society whose standards value tradition and collectivism, as opposed to modernity and individuality. But he refuses to compromise. And from there, each character who crosses Roark's path represents an extreme on the spectrum of progress and status quo. 
Where am I going with all of this? There's a beautiful quote in the book that goes a little something like this:
"I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible."
Every time I look at New York's skyline, especially from up above like Lydia and I were when shooting these photos at the Empire State Building, I'm reminded of this quote. And what it took for a single person to dream up a part of such an iconic skyline.   
Have you read the book or any of other Rand's work? My other favorite is Atlas Shrugged, but let's save that for another day (perhaps best suited for a train travel post). 
And in case you're left still wondering about this dress (because let's face it, those bows!), here are a few other favorites from my go-to holiday party stop this season, The RealReal. Enjoy! Just make sure if your holiday party takes you to the top of a skyscraper this year, bring a warm coat. 😉

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This post was in collaboration with The RealReal. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 26, 201512 Comments


2 minute read
Jacket: IRO; Turtleneck: Escada (borrowed from their latest Heritage collection); Culottes: Escada (also borrowed from their latest Heritage collection); Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Sunglasses: Celine; Clutch: Parker Thatch
From my little studio here in the West Village to your home, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And to those who don't celebrate this holiday, I hope you still have a few slices of pie for good measure. There are so many things that I'm beyond grateful for -- a lot of which has happened in just this year alone. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the huge role you all have played in it -- by being there and humoring my little corner of the internet, even if it's just for a few minutes out of your day. I appreciate it more than you know.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. 

November 25, 20159 Comments

for the host {thanksgiving blooms}

3 minute read
Cape: Peruvian Connection; Turtleneck: Ted Baker; Pants: A.L.C. (thanks to Alicia!); Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Mansur Gavriel; Blooms: "The Bedford" from BloomThat; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
Let's face it. This week is super short. If you happen to live far away from family, you're probably already traveling. You're frantically wrapping things up at work before hanging that glorious proverbial "Out of office" sign up at your email inbox. And, if you're like me, you really haven't had much time to prep what to bring your family or hosts this Thanksgiving. 
And if we take this one step further into airing Krystal's flaws, you may not be, um, well all that culinary inclined, meaning, I'm pretty hopeless in a kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I can follow the instructions on a brownie box, which is what I usually default to saying when my date of the moment raises his eyebrows at this statement (c'mon dude, I'm not going to fault you if you can't change a flat tire, which let's face it, you probably can't, so let's ditch the gender stereotypes at the door, shall we?).
But you know what I am good at? Knowing exactly how to bring a smile to my hosts' face just the same. 
This year, I'll be staying in New York for what has been affectionately dubbed an "orphan Thanksgiving" with a ragtag team of Aussies, Brits and a few Americans. For years when I don't make it back home for Thanksgiving, I love showing up with a few surprises for the host, including a couple hearty bottles of red wine and a little flower arrangement for them to either include in their table set up (or just for them to enjoy afterward). If you follow me on Instagram, you know I'm a huge fan of BloomThat and have been since they launched in the Bay Area just a few years ago. Naturally, I was stoked to hear they recently expanded out here to the East Coast for same day delivery here in the city. And naturally, I was even more stoked to find out they've recently expanded their next-day delivery service to cover my hometown in Nevada.
Which means a certain mama in Reno is getting a little sumthin' sumthin' on her birthday coming up! 😉
Whether you're headed home or staying local with friends for Thanksgiving this year, you can still scoop up some blooms today before Turkey Day (just make sure to order before early afternoon today to ensure they arrive in time as they won't be delivering tomorrow). And to sweeten the deal? Use the code KRYSTALBICK10 at checkout for 10% off! 
This post was in collaboration with BloomThat. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 24, 201512 Comments

fall in washington square park {with EMU australia}

3 minute read
Jacket: Balenciaga (similar style here); Sweater: Everlane (from last year, similar style here); Jeans: Frame; Boots: EMU Australia; Sunglasses: Celine
If you happen to follow me on Instagram or SnapChat (username: krystalbick), you know I often end up in Washington Square Park for some reason or another. Besides being just about a 10 minute walk from my apartment and also Elvis' favorite dog run, I just love how the park makes me feel while I'm walking through it -- as if almost anything could happen to you while you're there. Musicians fill the air with trumpet flares and hearty bass beats, while street performers entertain crowds with their antics. Lovers hold hands and sit together closely on benches and countless others have their noses nestled deep in books about poetry, politics and pop culture.
And this time of year, the park is absolutely perfect, alive with fall colors and a briskness you can almost touch. Growing up, I always love raking up the leaves in our yard and jumping into the piles of goldenrod yellows, burnt oranges and amber-hued reds for long afternoon hours. But after having spent the past 5 or so years in San Francisco, I haven't had a chance to really enjoy this little childhood indulgence of mine in quite some time.
Granted, when I partnered up with EMU Australia to showcase their new waterproof boot line (which I'm looking forward to putting to the test come this winter!), I knew I wanted to hop over to my favorite park and finally play in the fresh fall leaves. For about the first 20 minutes of this shoot, I was pretty alone, as passerby stared a bit funny at this girl throwing around leaves and laughing at herself in the process. But you know what? Eventually, one by one, a few other folks joined into piles and tossed them around, snapping photos along the way, until before long, you could scan the park and see different patches of folks playing, leaves gently falling down around them. And for about 15 minutes or so, we all felt like kids again.
As for these boots? I love how they have a perfect fall nod to them with the suede detailing, making it extremely easy to incorporate into your go-to looks this season, without sacrificing some function for when the weather turns nasty and wet on us.
Speaking of, if you head over to EMU Australia's Instagram account now, you could snag a pair of their latest waterproof line for yourself! Simply follow EMU Australia on Instagram and like your favorite outfit posted -- one winner drawn at random will take home a new pair of boots! Good luck!
This post was in collaboration with EMU Australia. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

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November 23, 201518 Comments

converse & chanel

2 minute read
Jacket: ModCloth (old, similar style here); Sweater: Lou & Grey; Jeans: Guess; Shoes: Converse; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
This is more or less what I wear to walk Elvis around the neighborhood. But if I'm feeling extra fancy for errand running, I'll grab my Chanel -- I call it my cool mom look. (Although I'm fully aware there are a lot of moms that look WAY cooler than me, without even trying.)
On a side note, how amazing is this street corner? Something about it feels very cinematic to me -- like a Tim Burton character is going to pop out of those windows at any moment.

November 20, 201515 Comments

the mean reds

2 minute read
Dress: Cynthia Rowley (borrowed); Shoes: Steve Madden; Clutch: Olympia Le-Tan (love this one); Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
Things can get pretty monochromatic around these parts (what can I say, I love my blacks, whites and grays) and especially after moving out to the east coast, I've caught myself adopting the New York uniform. Black, black, with more black. And a dash of really, really, really dark gray.
But there's something about a red dress. You know the one. The one that can turn heads. Maybe gets you a drink right away at the bar. Heck, perhaps it brings out your inner salsa dancing, red-dress sporting emoji señorita. (True story: she's my spirit emoji.)
As for me and red dresses? I don't don them very often but I like to think that's because they should be used sparingly. Like a secret weapon. And this Cynthia Rowley number? Well let's just call her my smoking gun.
In the market for a new red dress? Here are a few of my favorites around the interwebs these days that would probably give Jessica Rabbit a run for her money...
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November 19, 201517 Comments

the early bird {st. ives skincare}

3 minute read
Jacket: Eddie Bauer; Sweater: Everlane (from last year, similar style here); Jeans: Guess; Boots: Schutz; Bag: Chanel (obsessed with this similar version here); Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
I keep saying that I would love to have one of those New York evenings where I stay out all night, hopping from restaurant to restaurant, bar to bar, club to fast food joint and then back to a bar again, all to see the sun come up over one of our many bridges. You know, like the Queensboro bridge scene from Manhattan. Precisely like that.
While all evening romps are certainly the norm still (and high on my list of things to accomplish here in NYC), I've been hearing more and more about 6am dance parties. The kind that literally kick off once the sun is coming up, instead of the other way around. (Let's see Woody Allen make a movie about that.)
As luck would have it, I recently was invited by St. Ives to a Morning Gloryville event just last week at Washington Square, where, you guessed it, before I even had my first cup of coffee, I was strapping glow sticks to my wrists and hopping around to a little EDM. Oh, there also may or may not have been tarot card readings, sunrise salutations and a little bathroom refresh station to spruce up before work, with some of St. Ives' skincare line (my personal favorite at the moment is their Blemish Control scrub, which is perfect for my oily, acne-prone skin).
Huge thanks to St. Ives for inviting me out last week and for helping me check the 6am dance party off my NYC bucket list!

This post was in collaboration with St. Ives. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 18, 201512 Comments

the winter to-do list {with SOREL}

3 minute read
Coat: Zara (old, similar style here); Sweater: White House Black Market; Jeans: MiH; Boots: SOREL; Hat: Gap (old, obsessed with this fur pom beanie here); Sunglasses: Celine
I've joked quite a bit with my more seasoned New Yorker friends that as much as I love New York now, I haven't gone through my first real winter yet here on the East Coast -- so they might have to send reinforcements to my apartment come February when I refuse to leave my studio.
That said though, I'm actually really looking forward to winter here.
I know, I know....said no New Yorker, EVER.
But hear me out.
I've gone through my fair share of Fashion Weeks here in February to know that it gets frigidly cold. Actually, scratch the adjective frigid. I'm not sure there's a good adjective that quite describes it. And granted, I'll more than likely go into hibernation and/or jetset mode when February and March roll around (summer in Australia is looking pretty good, if you ask me!). But there's really no season like winter in New York, especially when the holidays start to roll in. Now the only adjective I think is fitting there is: magical.
Those who know me, know I love a good list, especially when it comes to experiences or places I want to visit. And Christmas here in New York has made me one busy list lady. Between the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center, ice skating, the holiday window displays going up, and hopefully an upstate trip to Woodstock or the Catskills soon, I'm busy stocking up on a few winter essentials that can carry me through the season (and my list!).
One thing is for sure, SOREL boots have come highly recommended by almost every New Yorker I've talked to. And if there ever was a group of folks who knew a thing or two about those awful, nasty puddles that accumulate at every intersection corner, it's those guys.
So I say, winter, I'm ready for you. Just maybe go easy this year? Deal?
This post was in collaboration with SOREL. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 17, 201517 Comments

funny face

3 minute read
First outfit: Jumpsuit: Self-Portrait; Heels: Steve Madden; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine; Jacket: Alexander McQueen; Bracelet: Miansai; Earrings: Yvel
Second outfit: Dress: Self-Portrait; Heels: Steve Madden; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai; Earrings: Yvel
I recently went out to grab coffee with a friend visiting from San Francisco (hey, Roya!) and she happened to pay me the biggest compliment ever. Like ever. To the point it practically made my day, no, week probably.
We were talking about our personal style, how it's evolved over the years and whose style we absolutely admired. Offhandedly, she mentioned that my style reminded her of a modern day Audrey Hepburn.
A few things happened next. First, I practically spit out my coffee, blushed and told her she was crazy. Meanwhile, my inner 13-year old self who was obsessed with Breakfast at Tiffany's (and still am to this day!), wanted to jump up and down and hug her. (Roya, remind me, I still owe you a hug the next time I see you!)
This rambling story is all to say, that I, like pretty much every other girl with Netflix access in middle school, have always admired Audrey Hepburn. I've read numerous biographies about her, have dressed up as Holly Golightly for Halloween more times than I can count and I may have gone on a wild goose chase throughout New York when I first moved to find Embryo Concepts, the book store where Jo Stockton works in Funny Face (sadly, it's a fictional store).
Above all though, and again, like most other girls my age, her style is what remains timeless for me, both sartorially speaking and her energy as a person. Graceful, elegant and always classic -- her poise seemed to exude far beyond just a character in a movie. It was her.
Where am I going with this? Well, I like to think whenever I'm donning a little evening attire (like these two Self Portrait numbers I recently picked up thanks to Luisa Via Roma) and hopping around the Upper East Side, I should swing by Tiffany's on my way back home. And give Sally Tomato the weather report. Oh, and of course, make sure to feed Cat.
While we're on the subject of evening attire, if you scoot over to Luisa Via Roma now, they're offering 15% off side-wide with the code SHOP15. Some exclusions apply (but those included, are goodies -- Valentino, Givenchy, Marant -- the gang's all here!). Run, don't walk; sale ends on 11/26.

This post was in collaboration with Luisa Via Roma and ShopStyle. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 16, 201518 Comments

a new york minute with mm.lafleur

4 minute read
First outfit for morning coffee: Coat: MM.LaFleur; Dress: MM.LaFleur; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine; Hat: Jennifer Behr
Second outfit for afternoon meetings: Dress: MM.Fleur; Turtleneck: Ted Baker; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
Third outfit for evening drinks: Top: MM.LaFleur; Skirt: MM.LaFleur; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Clutch: Kate Spade; Jacket: Alexander McQueen; Sunglasses: Celine; Lips: Stila "Beso"; Necklace: Yvel
Raise your hand if you appreciate the following adjectives: classic, effortless, elegant and machine-washable.
If you're waving your arms at this point for any of the above, (especially the last one!), let's talk. Specifically about MM.LaFleur.
I was first introduced to the brand back when I lived in San Francisco, thanks to my girl Anh of 9 to 5 Chic. I loved every last piece on her -- each one more timeless and fuss-free than the last. So why didn't I pull the trigger then?
Not entirely sure. But I think it might have something to do with the fact I tend to not believe brands when they say something is machine-washable. Let's face it -- it's a marketing buzz word that gets thrown out there a little too liberally, much like "organic" or "gluten-free" when in reality, it's not 100% the truth.
I've gone down the "we promise it's machine-washable" road before only to have clothes pill, lose their shape and generally tear after one wash. I'll admit it. I'm jaded. And therefore, have stuck to their dry-clean only counterparts, which comes at a pricey tradeoff.
Naturally, when MM.LaFleur approached me earlier this season to partner together, I was curious to see how their pieces really stand the test. First of all, it goes without saying, their designs are right up my alley. Their lead designer, Miyako Nakamura, hails from design houses like Jason Wu and Zac Posen, so girlfriend knows a thing or two about elegant design. And believe you me, I enjoyed styling each and every piece, especially with fall now upon us.
But then it came time to wash.
While each piece has the option to dry clean, I opted to include them all (with the exception of the coat, because coats always make me nervous) with my hand wash load in the delicate cycle. And then I waited with bated breath. 
Lo and behold, after each piece air dried, I was incredibly pleased with the shape and feel of the fabric afterward! Which means only one thing: I'm stocking up on more. 
If you're new to the brand (like me) you can try them out via their Bento Box service. Here's how it works: fill out a quick style survey and their team will then personalize one gift box with a handful of hand selected items. Each piece you love, keep. Each piece you don't. Send it right back with the return labels they include.
That's it! Commitment free and none of that awkward avoiding of texts when you'd rather just not see the other person. No questions asked. Plus, if you order now with the code MMTOMORROW, you'll receive a free copy of their book Wear to Work with your order.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm throwing on my Gramercy coat to walk Elvis around the West Village (but perhaps we'll head over to Gramercy instead). 
It's worth noting that not every piece from MM.LaFleur is machine-washable, although a majority of them are. Each item is labeled accordingly on their site though so you can easily double check!

This post was in collaboration with MM.LaFleur. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 13, 201523 Comments

tszuj it up {holiday style}

2 minute read
Dress: Tracy Reese via Nordstrom; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai

We've been chatting here and there about holiday dressing around these parts these days, and while I'll usually opt for something tea-length and full skirted, I've been pushing my boundaries lately. Or as Christine has been putting it, "SHOW SOME LEG, KRYSTAL." 
OK, OK. Here's a leggy Tracy Reese dress that I recently picked up thanks to Nordstrom. Which I then promptly covered up with some come-hither-over-the-knee boots. Because. Well. I like to keep 'em guessing. If you ask me, there's something slightly more suggestive about a short mini dress, that covers pretty much all of your top half, arms, neckline and all, with the promise of a lot of leg, only to have a sliver peek out every now and then when you shimmy out of that cab.
I'm sure if we surveyed 10 guys right now....they'd probably disagree with me. But I probably won't be going out with those 10 dudes anyway. #TheirLoss
But perhaps that 11th dude will be reminded of Jane Birkin to which I'll gladly swipe right for.
How about you guys? Are you venturing into any turtleneck mini dresses this holiday season? Here are a few of my favorites that would look amazing with boots (or heels, if you wanna show some gams!).
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This post was in collaboration with Nordstrom and ShopStyle. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 12, 201512 Comments

dear jon{athan}

2 minute read
Top and skirt: Jonathan Simkhai (borrowed, but here's the dress version); Shoes: Steve Madden; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine
Dear Jonathan Simkhai,
First of all, congratulations are in order for your CFDA win last week! Can't say that I'm surprised though. You've nailed a whole new hybrid of classy and sexy like no one's business.
Secondly, when the time comes, I'd love to get married in this dress
Please and thank you.
Your adoring fan and customer,

November 10, 201521 Comments

we didn’t start the fire

2 minute read
Jacket: Zara (old, similar style here); Dress: Lovers & Friends; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Saint Laurent; Cuff: Hermes; Sunglasses: Celine
Burning question of the day: what's your go-to karaoke song?
Mine? It's a tie between "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel or "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. 
Ok, your turn. GO!

November 9, 201518 Comments

10th street, eastbound

2 minute read
Dress: Stella McCartney (from a few seasons ago, similar style here); Boots: Givenchy; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
In the spirit of last week's post, I figured we were overdue for a little playlist around these parts -- one fitting for long walks around the city when you don't have anywhere in particular be. My favorite "just because" walk as of late has been down 10th street, heading east from the West Village. The fall colors and buildings are especially lovely right now as you head through Washington Square Park and into NYU territory and in a way I didn't realize was possible, it's making me fall even more in love with New York. Especially when I get to catch one of those sunsets that blaze the sky cotton candy pink as you face downtown.
If you can, try walking home from work today. See what you stumble upon. It might surprise you.

November 6, 201522 Comments

these boots were made for…

3 minute read
Shirt: Heidi Merrick; Jacket: ModCloth (old, dying for this similar style here); Jeans: Guess; Boots: Aldo; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan via The RealReal (they have this darling clutch available right now!); Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai; Scarf: Ribbon belt from an old shirt
I remember when I first moved to New York, everyone made a point to emphasize how much you walk around in the city. I didn't think much about it at the time -- I like to think that I'm a pretty active person (and will usually opt for the stairs instead of the escalator if given the choice -- go me!) -- and besides, why would you really walk that much when there's an extremely sufficient and fast public transportation system running beneath the city anyway? 
After my first week here though, I got it.
I probably averaged at least a few miles each day, between work, meetings, evening events and everything in between. And then there's the fact that sometimes you would just prefer to walk regardless, especially when the weather is as perfect as it has been lately. The air is crisp, the city is bustling around you and around every corner, there's a pocket of the city that is in some way new and fresh, and constantly changing. Suddenly, just by stepping outside your door, you're part of a collective pulse -- you're feeding the city and the city is feeding you.
Whenever I have the chance, I'll try to give myself an extra 20 minutes to get somewhere, skip the subway and just walk. It's the best way to explore any city, but especially New York, and yes, that means I'm often the girl who's walking around, earbuds in, with a huge grin on her face for seemingly no reason. And you know what? I'm more than OK with that.
Of course, this means, the right kicks to hit the pavement are in order. Naturally, I've been accumulating my fair share of flats and low-heeled ankle boots the past few months, and this patent "Alicia" pair by ALDO has been my trusty companion as of late. Plus, as my good friend and seasoned New Yorker, Christine, pointed out, they'll make for a great rain boot option when the time comes. 
This post was in collaboration with ALDO. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 5, 201511 Comments

nyfw throwback {kendra scott}

2 minute read
Dress: Tanya Taylor (borrowed from McMullen boutique in Oakland); Jacket: Alexander McQueen (from a few seasons ago, similar style here); Shoes: Valentino; Sunglasses: YSL; Bag: Chanel; Earrings, bracelets and rings: Kendra Scott
You may recall this outfit from a few weeks back when I wore it for NYFW and since then, I've been waiting for the right moment to share these photos, namely for a few reasons. The first? Well, my costar here rocks a mean little leather jacket so I figured she needed a fitting debut (and all of our fall weather lately seemed quite apropos). The second? I had a chance to chat with the Kendra Scott jewelry team while at this shoot and since then have been test driving a lot of their daintier, gold pieces, mixing and matching with my current bauble rotation. The verdict? I'm a fan! Especially these ear jackets, which I'll occasionally rock on just one ear for an asymmetrical effect. 
Here are a few of my other favorites from their current collection...may have to pull the trigger on some of these soon for the holiday lineup. 
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This post was in collaboration with Kendra Scott and ShopStyle. As always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you for supporting all This Time Tomorrow collaborations! 

November 4, 201527 Comments

little white (pearl) dress

2 minute read
Jacket: IRO; Dress: Alexander McQueen (similar style here); Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Bag: Proenza Schouler; Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
You can't quite tell in all these photos, but the neckline of this little white dress has pearls sprinkled all around it. I wouldn't say I'm much of a pearls gal (although I did pick up my first pair of pearl earrings while in Israel!), but I do love the idea of something so prim and proper paired with a leather jacket. I like to think Sandra Dee would be proud. 
I first wore this dress last summer here -- for my 10 year high school reunion! Where as the past year gone? Side note, notice the hair growth -- getting longer!

November 3, 201516 Comments

soirée, not soirée

2 minute read
Dress: Cynthia Rowley (borrowed); Shoes: Steve Madden; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai; Necklace: Yvel; Belt: Asos
There's no season like holiday party season. And as much as I love the actual holidays themselves (which trust me, I do!), I think I might love stocking up on a few new dresses for the occasion a tad bit more. Of course, being here in New York for perhaps my favorite time of year also makes for a longer list of engagements: Broadway dates with girlfriends, taking my mom to see the American Ballet Theater company perform, dragging a date to see the Nutcracker perhaps. All of which require something fun to twirl in, right?
This time around, while you'll definitely still catch me in my usual go-to (a full-skirt midi dress like this Cynthia Rowley number), I'm stepping out of my comfort zone a bit more with a few body hugging pieces, largely thanks to the design geniuses at Self Portrait. I'll be sharing more over the next few weeks as parties and engagements pop up, but in the meantime, what are you thinking for your holiday dress lineup? Any favorites picked out?

November 2, 201518 Comments

9 to 5 style: 1 vest, 3 ways {with intermix}

3 minute read
First outfit: Vest: Intermix; Dress: Timo Weiland; Jeans: Frame; Shoes: Saint Laurent; Bag: Celine; Sunglasses: YSL; Bracelet: Miansai
Second outfit: Vest: Intermix; Dress: Marissa Webb; Boots: Stuart Weitzman; Scarf: Alexander McQueen; Bracelet: Miansai
Third outfit: Vest: Intermix; Top: Frame; Skirt: Marissa Webb; Shoes: Saint Laurent; Bag: Saint Laurent; Necklace: Aldo; Bracelet: Miansai
When it comes to my work wardrobe, I've never really subscribed to the idea that certain items are strictly meant for work, whiles others are meant for off-duty time. Granted, I've always worked in a creative environment, which means I've gotten to enjoy a relatively relaxed dress code -- and I like to think I've taken full advantage of this! Statement dresses and pieces take on all new meaning when you can see yourself kicking ass in a meeting and cutting loose with a few after hours cocktails in them -- without missing a beat. 
So when Intermix asked me a little bit about a typical work day and how I dress to tackle it, I loved the idea of taking one piece (in this case, a beloved long vest, my pièce de résistance this season), and making it go the extra mile, from 9 to 5 to be exact. 
8:30am: I start my day pretty early, with Elvis as my 6am alarm clock. After running a few miles, usually along the Hudson River Running Path, I love hopping over to a local coffee shop before the day officially kicks off to get some emails answered and the to-do list prioritized. And for those of you in NYC, check out Everyman Espresso and snag one of their waffles. Delicious little sugar rush for the morning rush.
1pm: My day is typically packed with meetings, some in person and a lot of them via video conference. Whenever possible though, I love meeting up in person and preferably out of the office to get some fresh air and change up my scenery. This particular day I stopped by the Nylon offices to meet with my blog management team at Socialyte. 
6pm: I love the idea of mixing menswear with evening attire -- it feels almost like you borrowed your date's jacket or vest at the end of the night. Best part -- you don't have to give it back to anyone. The past few Thursdays and Fridays, I've been frequenting The Garret and Fedora (both in the West Village) for those late afternoon meetings that could easily pivot to happy (strategy) hour.

October 30, 201534 Comments

play it again

2 minute read
Sweater: RACHEL Rachel Roy; Dress: RACHEL Rachel Roy; Shoes: Manolo Blahnik; Bag: Chanel; Sunglasses: Celine; Bracelet: Miansai
Nothing makes me happier than getting extra mileage out of my closet and these recent RACHEL Rachel Roy additions have been on heavy rotation since I got them, as evidenced here and here.
Now if the Mets could just win tonight, I'd be over the moon happy. 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!

October 29, 201513 Comments

palm readings {and other late nyc shenanigans}

2 minute read
Vest: RACHEL Rachel Roy; Tank: Anine Bing; Jeans: Guess; Shoes: Saint Laurent; Sunglasses: Celine; Bag: Olympia Le-Tan (love this Swan Lake version); Necklace: Aldo
When you're roaming New York City streets between the hours of 1am and 4am, with perhaps one too many cocktails from the last party and some cash burning a hole in your should always say yes to a palm reading.
Main questions to ask:
Will I ever be able to afford a brownstone in the West Village?
What do you think of my date?
Trump doesn't stand a chance, right?
How many corgis do you see in my future?
What would you ask?


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